How Was It?

Finally, the “hectic” has faded and all of the hullabaloo from the Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day corridor has settled down. I’ve got to admit, it’s almost a relief. As vacations wrap up we greet co-workers, friends and family who…

Wilderness Dwellers

Sometimes I think that the circumstances that we hear about in the Bible are simply lost on us because we weren’t there. The atmosphere and history of a place can enrich a story or occurrence that happened in that place….

Advent Opportunity

Most of us are familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan and his extraordinary generosity. He is greatly touted because of the service he offers to a foreigner who has been ignored by high church officials. The story mentions…

Not Quite Perfect

We all go through our trials and tribulations. At different ages the trials and tribulations change. It sometimes seems that the more grown up we get, the more complicated our trials get. The more stuff we have, the more things…

Not One Thing

Most of us who are trying our best to follow a spiritual path know the routine. We have heard the “New Evangelization” thing ad nauseum. As Catholics we have even tried, in our halting way, to honor the mission that…

Let Your Hair Down

If we look around our contemporary society it is an easy thing to say that we have simply gone mad.  Courts are acting as Law givers, human parts are being sold as casually as car parts and our society is…

Simply Ordinary

A few days ago we had a book talk at Church. Our Priest was taken by a crime novel and the more he read it, the more he realized that it had many layers and messages that would be perfect…

How Sad are You?

Fear, anger, frustration, failure, longing, wishing, helplessness, hopelessness, loneliness, rage, indignation, and embarrassment: in my spiritual walk, I have genuinely experienced each of these emotions more than a time or two. Sometimes God and I are not on speaking terms….

Red Hot Sinner

Have you ever been to Jerusalem? When you step out in early morn there is a chill in the air and by noon it’s so hot that you can hardly breathe and all you want to do is find a…

Just a Dozen

If you are at all familiar with current culture you know that as far as our cultural values go, more is better!   We have seen the quantities of “super-size” multiply at fast food outlets and “buy get one free” drives…