Catholic Pop Culture

As I have for the last two years I shall recall any good things from the popular culture that are harmonious or helpful to Catholic culture. There were many things past year and many things coming up in 2016 that…

The 10 Commandments in the Modern World Part 4 – Honor Your Mother and Father

With the general breakdown of the family, this commandment can be harder and harder to follow. What does it mean to honor your parents? It of course means to respect them, but it also means that while they are raising…

The 10 Commandments in the Modern World Part 3 – Keep Holy the Sabbath

We Christians do not celebrate the Sabbath per se.  The original Sabbath, still observed by our Jewish brothers and sisters, is Saturday, the day God rested from creation.  For Christians, the Sabbath has been replaced by “The Lord’s Day,” which…

What I Learned from the Year of Mercy

With the Jubilee Year of Mercy closing, I thought that it would be an appropriate time to reflect on what, if anything, I have learned about the Mercy of the Lord during this year. It turns out I learned a…

The Proper Place of Politics

With the election tomorrow, people are very much concerned with the result. This is understandably so since whoever we elect will in effect not only be leader of our country by leader of the free world. I have spoken to…

10 Commandments in the Modern World Part 2 – DO NOT TAKE THE LORD’S NAME IN VAIN

As I wrote in an early article about the “Hallowed be Thy Name” section of the Lord’s prayer, the name of God is sacred. His name is the greatest revelation that was given to the Hebrew people as sign of…

10 Commandments in the Modern World Part 1 – YOU SHALL HAVE NO GODS BEFORE ME

Many years ago I wrote an article here for New Evangelizers called “Disclaimers When Talking About Sin.” That article was based on the preparation I do in class before we go into the 10 Commandments. However I came to the…

Transgenderism: Truth and Charity

With the legalization of same-sex “marriage” throughout our country, the forces of the ongoing sexual revolution have now made transgender acceptance the new goal. In the last year I have encountered more phrases like “gender fluid,” “cisgender,” “gender-confused,” “transphobic,” and…

The Lord’s Prayer Part 8 – A Peace the World Cannot Give

“But deliver us from evil.” I have never completely understood those who criticize the Catholic faith by pointing to all of the evil in the world. While the problem of pain is a key struggle that many of us have,…

Should the Church Apologize?

As if often the case, Pope Francis was the subject of sensationalist headlines recently. Many of them read something along the lines of: “Pope Francis Says Catholic Church Must Apologize to Gays.” The headline is meant to give a very…