Perseverance: A Lesson from Monica and Augustine

One of the best loved traditions in the Church is the practice of venerating and admiring saints. This ancient tradition dates back to the first century when worshipers experienced and told of miracles that occurred at the graves of martyrs that they had witnessed with “their own two eyes”.

These occurrences proved to be a confirmation of faith that gave courage and affirmation in times that were dangerous for the faithful. The idea that “those who had gone before us” could manifest the residue of holiness after death, was both encouraging and sustaining for people who were desperately trying to keep the faith.

John Paul II was criticized for canonizing and beatifying more saints during his pontificate than all the popes before him. Could it be that he understood the practicality of saints in a way that previous pontiffs did not?

When we read or hear about a saint, we focus on their holiness, great deeds or willingness to sacrifice.  As John Paul II understood, saints are ordinary people who managed to do extraordinary things.  Most saints started out no differently than you or I and managed to live their faith in a way that went beyond the norm.  These real-life heroes and heroines had no superpowers and are real people who can be admired and emulated, giving great hope for our own times.

Around 343, Monica was given in marriage at the earliest age possible (probably 12 – 15).  She had been born and raised in a Christian family.  Her husband, Patricius however, was a pagan. They had three children together. Early in the marriage he died, leaving Monica a single mom.

St. Monica (August 27) and St. Augustine (August 28) were people of the fourth century. Just ordinary folk like us. What modern mom does not have the wish that her son grow up as an upright, moral man who leaves the world a better place?  Monica was no different and had these same desires for her son Augustine.

After her husband’s death, Monica focused all her efforts on her children, especially Augustine.  It seems that despite his mom’s example, Augustine was undeniably enticed to “the good life” in the cosmopolitan cities of Carthage, Rome, and Milan. He “partied hearty”, took a concubine at age 17, had an out-of-wedlock son, and followed with vigor the anti-Catholic heresy of Manichaeism (Gnostic type philosophy which declared the body evil, the soul good and in constant war.) His view of the world, at that time, is most clearly exemplified by this quote: “Lord, Make me chaste, but not yet.”

Monica, however, could not be dissuaded from the vision of her son as a good and holy man.  Unbelievably enough, Monica prayed for and pursued her wayward son for 33 years.  In her quest, she traveled to where-ever he was located and eventually was able to enlist the help of St. Ambrose in her desire to secure the salvation of her boy.

The prayers of a Mother are said to have a special efficacy.  Augustine himself said this about his mom’s fervent intercession for him: “…it was not possible that the son of such tears should perish”.  Augustine was baptized at Easter 387 by Ambrose and then ordained in 391.  He became Bishop of Hippo (modern Algeria) in 396 and continued working for the nascent church for thirty-four more years.

That’s not all. Augustine is considered by the Church to be one of the most influential theologians of all time.  His writings include stunning works like City of God, Confessions and A Life Pleasing to God: The Spirituality of the Rules of St. Basil.  He is one of only thirty-four Doctors of the Church which means that his teaching and understanding of doctrine is so comprehensive that it is universal and applicable to all people in all times.  This is an amazing outcome for a wayward boy.

What if Monica had quit at year 32?

The story of Monica and Augustine is a triumph for the Church.  But more than that, it is a story for you and me.  Are you a mom who needs encouragement?  Are you a son or daughter who is tired of listening to your mom’s worries about you?  Look at Monica and Augustine: maybe you have more to accomplish than you ever imagined. Maybe your mom is right. St. Monica (332-387 C.E.) is remembered on August 27.  St. Augustine (354-426 C.E) is remembered on August 28.

Copyright © 2013 by Kathryn M. Cunningham 

Kathryn M. Cunningham

Kathryn M. Cunningham

Kathryn holds a Master’s in Education from Saint Xavier University. Most recently she completed Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies from The Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. This recent degree was part of a “retirement project” after teaching for 35 years. She has also worked as a spiritual director, music minister,council member and prayer team warrior. Kathryn has a deep interest in catechesis for the people in the pews. As a “sort of” convert she finds the wisdom of the Church a source for encouragement, joy and survival in a world not sure of anything. Her writing has appeared in diocesan publications and on-line sites, most recently for Zenit. To learn more about Kathryn check out her thinking at:">

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