From Science to Salvation

Albert Einstein derived the formula E = mc² over a century ago. I love this equation…it’s easier to understand than you might guess. E is energy; m is mass (you know, stuff); and c² is the speed of light squared, which is roughly 90,000,000,000,000,000 m2 / s2.

The equation tells us that even a little piece of anything (per the Flux Capacitor in Back to the Future) contains a preposterous amount of energy.

For now let’s notice that the equation shows that Energy and Mass are interchangeable. As Einstein observed, Energy and Mass are “manifestations of the same thing,” sort of like 1kg = 1000g; or 1kg of ice = 1kg of water. We perceive Energy and Mass as different, intrinsically separate, as un-alike as two things can be, but the fundamental reality is that matter is just tiny, densely bundled subatomic wads of energy. But we can’t see that continuity of mass and energy.

As Einstein observed that Energy and Matter are manifestations of the same thing, our bodies and souls are also manifestations of the same thing, a person. But due to sin, body and soul are separable.

Death’s not normal, but it’s what we’re stuck with for the time being. A person is still a single unified creation, but sin pries the singular into two parts, by no coincidence into the part we can see; and another part we only dimly perceive, because sin stunts our perception. Anyway, somebody in the 20th century (no, not Sting) once described the body as simply the manifestation of the person in the material world, which is not the totality of our existence, but just the totality of what we can physically perceive, what we can measure. What we can’t see, the soul, is the manifestation of the person in the spiritual reality.

And if all Creation is the manifestation of God’s love (Einstein might say God’s energy) then the physical parts and non-physical parts are just…manifestations of that same thing.

Matter, and thus my body, is just very tightly bundled subatomic wads of divine love. Although it is true that due to sin, the oneness, the continuity, is presently breakable.

Why do I care about this continuity business? Because it shows why Works are an intrinsic part of Faith. Faith and Works are manifestations of the same thing. What are Works? They’re manifestations of Faith in the physical world; and vice-versa.

Salvation isn’t just a soul issue nor just a body issue. It’s a person issue. The whole person believes and does. Or doesn’t believe and doesn’t do. Or as is typical in this fallen world, something in between. I can always say ‘I believe x,’ but I know I believe by what I do. Do I believe Jesus is my Savior, or am I just telling myself? Well, do I act as though I believe?

The continuity of the person in both its visible and invisible aspects sheds particular light on Catholic sensibilities, especially with respect to the physical and spiritual nature of sacraments; and even Jesus Himself, a oneness of not just Body and Soul, but also God and Man.

Copyright © 2013, Christian LeBlanc

Christian LeBlanc

Christian LeBlanc

Christian LeBlanc is a revert whose pre-Vatican II childhood was spent in South Louisiana, where he marinated in a Catholic universe and acquired a Catholic imagination. During his middle school years in South Carolina, Christian was catechized under the benevolent dictatorship of Sister Mary Alphonsus, who frequently admonished him using the nickname "Little Pagan." After four years of teaching Adult Ed and RCIA, he returned to Sr. Alphonsus' old classroom to teach Catechism himself. Married to Janet, the LeBlancs have five children and two grandsons. Christian and Janet belong to St. Mary's Parish in Greenville, South Carolina. Christian also posts at Amazing Catechists and his blog, Smaller Manhattans. He is the author of The Bible Tells Me So: A Year of Catechizing Directly from Scripture.

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