10 Ways to Get Involved in the Pro-Life Movement

As I watched the horrific trial of Dr Kermit Gosnell unfold, I was sickened. How can something like this happen in our world?

When I lay down to sleep, graphic images from the babies aborted flash through my mind. I fight back tears as I hold my own baby, safe and secure in my arms.

I feel God pushing me to do more.

I’m filled with fear and self doubt. What can I do?

I’m one person, a busy mother in a world that seems oblivious to the destruction and desecration of human life. Our world calls abortion legal, and champions it as ‘women’s rights.’

We are all called to defend human life, from conception to a natural death. Here are 10 baby steps to become involved in the pro-life movement.

1. Be Open to Life in Your Own Family

As the mother of many small ones, I’m a walking witness to being open to life. If you’d told me years ago that my home and heart would be filled with a houseful of children, I would have laughed. God has blessed me abundantly, and continues to change my heart.

Practice being a joyful mother, showing the world how thankful you are for your children.

2. Become a Prayer Warrior

At the end of my weekly visit to Adoration, I sit and listen to our parish’s pro-life support team. Every Monday, a group of men and women come in and pray in front of The Blessed Sacrament for women in a crisis pregnancy, endangered infants in the womb, abortion clinic workers and legislators. I’m always amazed at their commitment.

Stop by Priests for Life and choose a pro-life prayer that works for you. Consider spending time in Adoration, praying for the unborn.

3. Set Aside Money in Your Budget

Pregnancy crisis centers always need supplies. Most will have needs lists posted, or you can make a quick phone call to find out the greatest needs.

Fast from weekly Starbucks or fast food stops. Take that money and donate cash or supplies to the center. Don’t have time to drive to the center? Hop on Amazon and order diapers, wipes or other baby supplies to be delivered.

I’ve made a small goal of giving $25 per month to pregnancy crisis centers in our area. Every little bit helps.

4. Support Women Who Regret Their Abortion

Many women have made the mistake of abortion and desperately need our love, support and forgiveness. Organizations like Rachel’s Vineyard,Project Rachel and more are designed to support women and men as they struggle with the aftermath of choosing abortion.

5. Support Men in their Roles as Fathers

Men are ridiculed and vilified in today’s media, often the subject of jokes in sitcoms and commercials. We need to support our men in their vital roles as fathers and encourage them to grow in their faith. Need resources? Check out Knights of Columbus, Paul’s Men, or the National Fellowship of Catholic Men.

6. Take to the Streets

On Mother’s Day Weekend, I swallowed my fears and headed down to the abortion clinic with my young daughter in tow. We participated in a peaceful prayer vigil, lining the sidewalks leading to the clinic. We prayed and sang for tiny babies in the womb, women considering abortion, and for the conversion of clinic workers and doctors.

Check with your parish’s Respect Life or social justice committees for prayer vigils in your area. Helpers of God’s Precious Infants have prayer vigils and pro-life Masses on a regular basis. 40 Days for Life has locations all over the world.

7. Encourage our Pro Life Youth

While I knelt in prayer, I was amazed at all the teenagers and young adults I saw. They are tomorrow’s pro-life warriors. Don’t miss the resources at Catholic Youth Ministry.

8. Respect Your Elders and the Disabled

The pro-life cause isn’t just about the unborn. The pro life movement also provides support to the elderly and disabled.

Take your family to visit the elderly in the nursing home. Help out with Special Olympics in your area. Show the world we live in that the elderly and disabled are valued and cherished.

9. Know the Law

Become informed of the various abortion laws in your state and get in touch with your representatives. When a pro-life bill comes up for discussion, call, email or send a Twitter message to the bill’s sponsor. Ask your friends and family to do the same.

10. Speak Out

We live in an age of instant information. Years ago, activists would become involved in letter writing campaigns, phone calls and sit-ins. Now, we have the power of social media – Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more.

Share pro-life messages with your followers. Encourage people to become involved.

What about you?

How are you involved in the pro-life movement? Please share your ideas with us in the comment box.

Copyright © 2013, Dianna Kennedy

Dianna Kennedy

Dianna Kennedy

Dianna Kennedy is the newly minted mother of five, including a college freshman, a precocious first grader, identical twin boys, and a newly walking toddler. You'll find her sharing her stories at The Kennedy Adventures. You can connect with her on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

One response to “10 Ways to Get Involved in the Pro-Life Movement”

  1. Great tips, Dianna! Thanks for organizing them so even a numbskull like I can apply them!

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