Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary

About a month ago a friend emailed me with an invitation to join a book club at our usual coffee spot with a group of women.  I said yes before I even knew the book!  I can’t help it, it…

Life is a Feast

Readings for Aug 16,  20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B From time to time I run across sophisticated people who don’t, of course, believe in God, at least not in the way he’s represented by organized religion.  But they…

Solemnity of the Assumption

Readings for August 15th:  The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary  I once asked a college theology class if anyone could explain the doctrine of the Assumption.  A student replied, “yeah, that’s the teaching whereby the Catholic Church ‘assumes’ that Mary is…

This is the prayer of the saints…

Prayer is like a good meal to me.  It fills a need, gives me strength for the day, and satisfies my hunger.  One type of nourishment, food, fuels the body, while another type, prayer, fuels the soul.  Our body uses…

Pulling the Weeds of Sin

St. Maximilian Kolbe wrote: The more light of God’s grace within a soul, the better we will see the weeds and imperfections at every step. The Sacred Scriptures say that a just man falls seven times daily. So as long…

Dew Drop In

Here’s a favorite bit from Isaiah 45: “I am the LORD, there is no other. I form the light, and create the darkness, I make weal and create woe; I, the LORD, do all these things. Let justice descend, you…

Dancing with the Devil

Some may have taken note of the Satanic goings-on in the world at large.  In particular there have been a number of news stories about the large Baphomet (an idol of Satan) statue that was unveiled in Detroit.  Is this…

Six Resolutions for Your Fall Ministries

It’s that time of year when many ministry staff and volunteers are preparing to launch or re-start initiatives, groups, programs, and more, as students and adults transition back from summer vacation season. Sometimes we can get caught up in the…

Elijah’s Bread

Readings for Aug 9, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B It’s hard enough to do the right thing.  But when you get blame for it instead of praise, it really takes the wind out of your sails, even if…

Holiness (not Happiness) is the Goal

Pursuing individual happiness will never make you happy. Personal happiness is often the byproduct of holiness – but it is never the goal. [Tweet This] Before everyone freaks out, let me explain what I mean. The process of becoming holy, or…