A few days ago we had a book talk at Church. Our Priest was taken by a crime novel and the more he read it, the more he realized that it had many layers and messages that would be perfect…
Memoir as literary genre has become strikingly popular over the past few decades in our culture. What does this teach us about evangelization and especially pre-evangelization? In a September 15, 2015 interview on NPR’s “Fresh Air,” Catholic writer Mary Karr…
Readings for September 20, the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Recently a prominent CEO told a mixed group of business leaders that, regardless of their religion, they simply had to read the Bible. Why? Because success in business depends not…
In the early 1200’s, St. Francis of Assisi often prayed in the deteriorating church of San Damiano. One day he heard the Lord speaking to him from an icon of the crucified Christ saying, “Francis, go rebuild my church, which…
In the Wall Street Journal a few years ago, someone responded to this article: The Shroud of Turin: Faith, Proof and Relics – WSJ.com with a letter. In part, he wrote: “The desire for physical connection to Christ’s human existence, however well-intentioned,…
Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Do I really believe that God loves me?” This is not the same as the question: “Does God love me?” The latter is a question of objective truth or falsehood. Either God is…
Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! I have a confession to make: I am afraid; afraid to be different, to be seen differently from my peers, to not be approved of by some human…
This year, Banned Books Week is September 27-October 3, This annual event is more commemoration than celebration. There’s an edge of defiance to it as well—no one is going to tell me what I can read! Legitimate questions are aired…
Readings for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Terrorism is nothing new. It’s probably as old as the human race. In fact the cradle of civilization, now Iraq, was the home of the most infamous terrorists of…
Readings for September 13, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pentecostal preachers shout it. Monks chant it. Most Christians end every prayer with it. But what does “Amen” really mean? Is it just a pious way to “log off” our dialogue…