Let’s Get Physical

In the Wall Street Journal a few years ago, someone responded to this article: The Shroud of Turin: Faith, Proof and Relics – WSJ.com with a letter. In part, he wrote: “The desire for physical connection to Christ’s human existence, however well-intentioned,…

Do I really believe God loves me?

Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Do I really believe that God loves me?” This is not the same as the question: “Does God love me?” The latter is a question of objective truth or falsehood. Either God is…

Fear Not

Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not!   I have a confession to make: I am afraid; afraid to be different, to be seen differently from my peers, to not be approved of by some human…

Should We Prevent Our Children From Reading Certain Books?

This year, Banned Books Week is September 27-October 3, This annual event is more commemoration than celebration. There’s an edge of defiance to it as well—no one is going to tell me what I can read! Legitimate questions are aired…

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Readings for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Terrorism is nothing new. It’s probably as old as the human race. In fact the cradle of civilization, now Iraq, was the home of the most infamous terrorists of…


Readings for September 13, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pentecostal preachers shout it.  Monks chant it.  Most Christians end every prayer with it. But what does “Amen” really mean?  Is it just a pious way to “log off” our dialogue…

The Lamb’s Supper Is Not A Buffet

When it comes to a buffet, what’s not to like? Self serve, all you can eat; just meandering down the buffet line and picking whatever strikes your fancy. Eat what you like, leave what you don’t, and above all – don’t stop until…

5 Lies We Once Believed

1..Cocaine is good for you.  It was marketed to people with toothaches. About one hundred years ago, if you had a toothache, you could buy cocaine from your local druggist.  You could buy cocaine over-the-counter. 2.  Beer is a pick-me-up….

Daily prayer is best

Editor’s Note:  today we welcome Agapios Theophilus to the New Evangelizer’s blogging team! To be a genuine Christian is to be in relationship with Jesus. Relationships require time together, and our time together with Jesus is prayer. Prayer, for the health…

Pre-Evangelization and the Desire for God

How can we share our faith with others when the people around us just aren’t interested in “religious” things? You know–the situations where the mere mention of “Church” or “Jesus” would bring the conversation to a standstill. It’s called pre-evangelization….