This year, on Black Friday, that secular feast-day of money when people physically fight with each other in stores to buy things cheaply, you can buy a book called The Cold Hard Truth on Men, Women, and Money. This is…
For those who are advanced in the spiritual life and have learned to place God above all things leaving behind the cares of this world: this article is not for you. But if you are like me and you find…
Readings for Nov 8, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time The time lag between the two widows in this Sunday’s readings was considerable. Lots of things change in 800 years. But one thing their two societies had in common–they offered neither…
In this Sunday’s Gospel we hear the story of the widow’s mite. Jesus was sitting with his disciples in the Temple, across from the treasury where the people came to give their gifts to the Temple. As they rested, they…
Today is the perfect day to begin this devotion of giving yourself totally to Christ through Mary. The consecration takes thirty three days, so it will end on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, which this year is also the beginning of…
Most of us who are trying our best to follow a spiritual path know the routine. We have heard the “New Evangelization” thing ad nauseum. As Catholics we have even tried, in our halting way, to honor the mission that…
Pope Francis spoke about how Jesus told his disciples after his Resurrection to return to Galilee where they first give their lives to him. “To return to Galilee means above all to turn to that blazing light with which God’s…
In the midst of this past weekend’s Halloween trick-or-treating, end of Daylight Savings Time, and All Saints Day Mass and festivities you may have missed another notable observance–Reformation Day. Reformation Day (Oct 31st) marks the anniversary of the day a Catholic…
Readings for the Solemnity of All Saints, Nov.1 At age 16, I thought that aspiring to holiness was out of the question. If you really wanted to be holy, I thought, you had to be a priest, nun, or brother….
This past month I have been witness to a plethora of awesome and outstanding work produced by people I follow on Twitter, Facebook and various blogs. Three of these people I’ve come to know on this website; Greg Willits, Nancy…