Total Consecration

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary

Today is the perfect day to begin this devotion of giving yourself totally to Christ through Mary.  The consecration takes thirty three days, so it will end on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, which this year is also the beginning of…

Not One Thing

Most of us who are trying our best to follow a spiritual path know the routine. We have heard the “New Evangelization” thing ad nauseum. As Catholics we have even tried, in our halting way, to honor the mission that…

Remember your Galilee moment?

Pope Francis spoke about how Jesus told his disciples after his Resurrection to return to Galilee where they first give their lives to him. “To return to Galilee means above all to turn to that blazing light with which God’s…

The Free Gift of Justification By Faith

In the midst of this past weekend’s Halloween trick-or-treating, end of Daylight Savings Time, and All Saints Day Mass and festivities you may have missed another notable observance–Reformation Day. Reformation Day (Oct 31st) marks the anniversary of the day a Catholic…

All Saints Day means Holiness for All!

Readings for the Solemnity of All Saints, Nov.1 At age 16, I thought that aspiring to holiness was out of the question. If you really wanted to be holy, I thought, you had to be a priest, nun, or brother….

New Evangelizers Round-Up

This past month I have been witness to a plethora of awesome and outstanding work produced by people I follow on Twitter, Facebook and various blogs. Three of these people I’ve come to know on this website; Greg Willits, Nancy…

Food for the Soul

“My food,” Jesus said to them, “is to obey the will of the one who sent me and to finish the work he gave me to do.” John 4: 34 Jesus stopped by a well to rest while his disciples…

Baptism, Babies, and being Born-Again

Evangelical Christians often enjoy asking cradle Catholics if they have been, “born again”. If you ask them what they mean by “born again”, you will more than likely get an answer like this: “You are born again when you believe in Jesus Christ and…

Turning to God

At this time of year, there is no more beautiful place to be than New England. Everything here bursts into color as the seasons change; as if the whole world was being transformed one leaf at a time. Our spiritual…

Chasing the Fox

Editor’s Note:  Today we welcome Deborah Gaudino to the New Evangelizers blog. Have you ever been to a fox hunt? Me neither. In fact, as a city girl, a fox hunt is about as foreign to me as a game…