Sunday Readings for Feb 21, 2016 the 2nd Sunday in Lent Appearances can be deceiving. After all, Jesus was just another Galilean. His hands were the rough hands of a workman. People in Nazareth knew his mother. Some even remembered…
You know the people who love Lent? The ones who go on and on and on about how much they love it, who are first in line for ashes, who seem to embrace their sacrifices as if it’s their only joy…
We have been gifted this year by the Pope himself. The gift that he has given us is Mercy, one of those things that is more precious than money. So what have you done with that gift so far? Have…
“Here I am, “I said. “Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8) Lent is upon us and Advent is but a memory. The story of Jesus’s thirty three years has passed and soon we will celebrate His death and resurrection. During those…
We are now in the season of Lent. As we all know it is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. If you are anything like me, Lent does not fill you with the same child-like joy that Advent does….
Sunday Readings for Feb 14, 2016, the First Sunday in Lent In the English language, the special season before Easter is called “Lent.” The word comes from the “lengthening” of daylight hours as we progress from the darkness of winter…
Recently, one of our close friends lost his father. This last Saturday we attended the funeral. Prior to his death, his dad had selected which readings he would like to have read at his funeral. Inexplicably, the gospel reading that…
I like praying the Rosary. But I also bore easily. As I mentioned in last month’s article Rosary Riff, to keep the Rosary fresh I make up my own Mysteries. But sometimes I won’t use a mystery set at all….
This marks my last of five Biblical meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries and 40 Days for Life, using Rosary Army’s Scriptural Rosary. In the Fifth Sorrowful Mystery meditation, consider Jesus’ words from the cross: “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them;…
One of the things the church asks us to do in lent is fasting. But why? Does Jesus really want us to go hungry? The truth is, it is not hunger that Jesus wants for us, but holiness. To become…