Easter, Jubilee and Mercy – The Catholic Triple Threat

Look at the news headlines. It’s a wonder that faithful Catholics aren’t cowering under their desks in a state of severe depression. Abortion. Same-sex marriage. Attacks on Christians. Attacks on the Church. Even worse are the assaults from within. Catholics…

Finding Real Joy in Lent

We begin this holy season of Lent with conviction, motivation, and abundant energy. We want to be close to God. We want to be free from distractions. We want to grow in holiness. But midway through, we can grow a…


Although many were there the night Jesus was betrayed there were two major players; Peter and Judas.   Both men had identical experiences with the Savior the last three years but the final outcome for each was as different as night…

The Five Effects of Grace

God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work, (2 Corinthians 9:8). Grace, the unearned, undeserved gift of God’s love…

The Lord’s Prayer, Part 4 – Surrender to the Father

“Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” At one time I was contemplating the priestly and religious life. I considered what it would be like to take on the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience….

The Fig Tree

Sunday Readings for Feb 28, 2016 the 3rd Sunday of Lent Some think Lent is a time for fasting. I see it as a time of feasting. I come to this conclusion based on the story of the fig tree…

Hail Mary – A Meditation

Hail Mary, full of grace. Oh Mother Mary, Virgin Mary, Holy Mary! The Archangel Gabriel called out to you, and you obediently gave attention. You set the example for us Holy Mother. When we hear the word or the voice…


“Don’t be angry with someone for every little thing he does wrong. Don’t do anything out of injured pride.”   Sirach 10: 6 It’s the little annoying things that can drive us up the wall. “Why can’t you ever come…

The ABC’s of Lent

Accept the season Break the chains that hold you from Christ Cut out what is not necessary in your life Draw close to Jesus Embrace the Cross Fast from being negative Give of yourself Help those in need Ignite your…

Our Pentecostal Feast of and for Unity

Today’s Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle calls us to understand the Papal Office, our lives as disciples, and Jesus’ enduring summons to Christian unity as inherently related and dependent on the Holy Spirit. This feast actually…