In 6th grade Catechism class, we go through the Bible chronologically, Genesis to Revelation. In the first four months, the kids learn all sorts of Old Testament stuff that will connect to what’s covered in the last four months. What…

Time with Jesus

During Lent, we look not only to fast, pray and give alms, we also look to change our lives for the better. It’s too easy to look at this as a “project”, a task that we set out for ourselves…

Purple Rain

The Lenten season provides us with 40 days to reflect through sacrifice, prayer, and faith.  Ever since I can remember I have thought of Lent as my Catholic new year, complete with a resolution.  In the past I have given…

The Great Rescue–Of You

“I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.” (Psalm 30:2a) Today on the 4th Monday of Lent we respond to God’s Word with in the words of the Psalmist David, I will praise you, Lord, for you have…

Reconciliation and The Prodigal Son

Sunday Readings for March 6, 2016 the 4th Sunday in Lent “For our sakes God made him who did not know sin to be sin, so that in him we might become the very holiness of God” (2 Cor 5:21)….

The Sin Of Comparison

Today’s Gospel reading from the book of Luke shows us the two main ways that people respond to God in prayer, and how easy it is to deceive ourselves into thinking that we are on the path of holiness, growing…

Easter, Jubilee and Mercy – The Catholic Triple Threat

Look at the news headlines. It’s a wonder that faithful Catholics aren’t cowering under their desks in a state of severe depression. Abortion. Same-sex marriage. Attacks on Christians. Attacks on the Church. Even worse are the assaults from within. Catholics…

Finding Real Joy in Lent

We begin this holy season of Lent with conviction, motivation, and abundant energy. We want to be close to God. We want to be free from distractions. We want to grow in holiness. But midway through, we can grow a…


Although many were there the night Jesus was betrayed there were two major players; Peter and Judas.   Both men had identical experiences with the Savior the last three years but the final outcome for each was as different as night…

The Five Effects of Grace

God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work, (2 Corinthians 9:8). Grace, the unearned, undeserved gift of God’s love…