“Father forgive them…” (Luke 23:24)

These three words, uttered by the Lord as he hung in agony on the cross, present one of the most challenging aspects of being a Christian. It is difficult for us to forgive – it is not natural and our…

The Shock of Stations of the Cross

The devotional prayer practice of Stations of the Cross (or the Way of the Cross) is ubiquitous during Lent in Catholic parishes around the U.S. Stations of the Cross emerged as a way of doing a “Jerusalem” pilgrimage for those…

Passion Sunday

Sunday Readings for March 20, Palm Sunday Catholics seem preoccupied with the sufferings of Christ–The Crucifix, the sorrowful Mysteries, the Stations of the Cross. As if all this were not enough, Catholics must stand at attention one Sunday each year…

Unlock the Key to Joy

Confession:  the word does not bring forth cozy, comfortable feelings but instead elicits visions of dread and fear for many.  We are afflicted with shame and regret, not wanting to see a priest.  Because of this, some of us often…

Dream Keepers

So the tug of war seems never ending. God, love, sin, relationship, belonging, companionship!  Is there a human “out there” who just doesn’t want to fit in, belong to something/someone, be loved and know that they are valued just as…

What if You Stumble?

(This is a repost from 2013.) If you were on trial today with the charge of being a Christians, would you be found guilty? Many years ago I stood on “trial” at an RCIA class.  The prosecutor accused me of…

The Lord’s Prayer – Dependance on God, Part 5

Did you ever wonder why Jesus instructed us to ask for “daily” bread? Why not ask for a lifetime supply of bread? Couldn’t God do that? Couldn’t God by His infinite power simply provide for all of our material needs?…

Woman Caught in Adultery

Sunday Readings for March 13, 2016 the 5th Sunday in Lent It really looked like the end of the road for her. Caught in the act of a capital crime, her fate lay in the hands of an angry mob….

Songs for Saturday

A small selection of songs for this fifth Saturday of Lent.

False Memory and True Scripture

Psychological studies have shown that we’re not fully reliable witnesses. Our brains can be tricked–by ourselves or by others. Witnesses to an accident or crime, for example, can lead themselves (or be led by others) to remember details that were…