Should We Debate?

I don’t like to debate. Really, I don’t. I’ve always seen myself as a catechist rather than an apologist. And yet, I find myself in debates at times — often lengthy ones — especially on social media. When I’m in…

Fiat Mihi Too

I first heard the Bamboo Parable when I was a kid, I imagine most of you have heard it too. No? It’s the story of beautiful Bamboo, who freely allows its Master to chop it down, hack it open, and…

Good People and Suffering

Why do bad things sometimes happen to good people? Jesus lived out an answer to this question. In becoming a human being, and in suffering on the cross, though he was innocent of any crime, Jesus himself became a good…

What we can learn from a Catholic Fictional Character – Captain Frank Furillo

The media is all around us and bombards us with messages constantly.  These days I find myself with not much time to watch TV so what I do watch has to have a point, has to expand my horizon in…

The Lord’s Prayer Part 6 – Mercy and Forgiveness.

“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Most of us would readily acknowledge that we need the forgiveness of the Lord. I know that the older I get, I can see the scales of justice…

Solemnity of the Ascension

Readings for Sunday, May 8, 2016 The Solemnity of the Ascension The celebration of the Ascension used to leave me a bit flat. It was clear what Good Friday did for me. And Easter Sunday’s benefits were indisputable. But as…

Growing With Good News Ministries

I remember back in the early days of my desire to grow in love of God and in knowledge of His word. One of the first steps I took was reading the daily Mass readings (I could not attend daily…

Especially Those Most in Need of My Mercy

  When I was young, I loved books on animals, especially wolves.  One fascinating fact about wolves is that they, in their animal way, understand mercy. When a pack member assumes a passive submissive posture, when it exposes its vulnerable…

What Type of Queen is Our Blessed Mother?

Prayer is powerful beyond limits when we turn to the Immaculata who is queen even of God’s heart. —Saint Maximilian Kolbe Do you have a favorite mystery of the Rosary? One that causes more reflection and contemplation in your prayer…

Senior Moments

The following is a not an uncommon claim for people who spend time with the elderly or those who have symptoms of afflictions like Alzheimer’s or dementia: “I’ve heard that one million times before!” We often witness that comment couched…