Women: set the world ablaze!

We might be knee deep in dirty laundry; keeping kids quiet during mass or taking care of aged relatives and neighbors. These endless tasks seem like meaningless drudgery, but to God they are life-giving pearls of mercy. Whether biological, spiritual,…

The Acts

I have a confession. I’ve always kind of discounted the Acts of the Apostles. I don’t know why. I don’t have any great analysis of why I never properly gave the Acts its due. Maybe I am an idiot. I…

What a Mess!

I must admit that as time passes I have become fonder and fonder of our current  Pope Francis.  It has nothing to do with the fact that he is smart enough to tell people the exact same things that I…

Spread the Fire of His Love

For consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to the flesh, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth; but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise. God chose…

Blest Assurance — Part 3

I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy this blest assurance gives…goes the classic Easter season hymn. When it comes to public perceptions and impressions, Catholics in the United States aren’t exactly known for radiating joy of having a “Blest…

The Difference the Spirit Makes

Readings for Sunday, May 15, 2016 The Feast of Pentecost As a teen, I thought the clergy were supposed to do everything. We laity were just called to pray, pay, and obey. Oh yes, and keep the commandments, of course….

Should We Debate?

I don’t like to debate. Really, I don’t. I’ve always seen myself as a catechist rather than an apologist. And yet, I find myself in debates at times — often lengthy ones — especially on social media. When I’m in…

Fiat Mihi Too

I first heard the Bamboo Parable when I was a kid, I imagine most of you have heard it too. No? It’s the story of beautiful Bamboo, who freely allows its Master to chop it down, hack it open, and…

Good People and Suffering

Why do bad things sometimes happen to good people? Jesus lived out an answer to this question. In becoming a human being, and in suffering on the cross, though he was innocent of any crime, Jesus himself became a good…

What we can learn from a Catholic Fictional Character – Captain Frank Furillo

The media is all around us and bombards us with messages constantly.  These days I find myself with not much time to watch TV so what I do watch has to have a point, has to expand my horizon in…