Restore and Reactivate

Sunday Readings for July 3, 2016 the 14th Sunday of the Year To some, being Italian-American means overindulging in pasta and joking about tough guys. But being Italian means being heir to a rich tradition stretching back before the Caesars….

The Difference between the Old and the New

I’ve always found today’s Gospel reading difficult to understand. I felt as though Jesus was light years ahead of John’s disciples, and even his own for that matter. Then some thoughtful soul explained that, no, you really can’t fast in…

Bearing Fruit

The New Testament is filled with references to bearing fruit.  Scripture tells us that good trees bear good fruit and bad trees do not, and that branches that don’t bear fruit are pruned away. Remember what happened to the fig…

We’re home to stay!

Editor’s Note: This is an updated post from the original which ran on June 22, 2016. Tom Peterson is living proof how one man’s “yes” can change the world. He could have ignored the Holy Spirit’s promptings or brushed off…

The Price of Love

Love is something perfect, it is the life of God himself.  But in an imperfect world, the price of love is sometimes suffering.  Some say that suffering is too high a price to pay, that life should be the avoidance…

Overcoming Careless Words

Pope Francis has not minced words when it comes to the sin of gossip, speaking about its perils on multiple occasions:  In one homily he likened the act of gossip to Judas’ betrayal of the Lord, saying that when we gossip about someone…

The “Good Life” and Pre-Evangelization (Part 1 of 2)

The desire to live better, to live more deeply. To live in a way that is satisfying beyond wealth or material goods. This is a longing that has always existed, yet in our current cultural setting, is being spoken aloud…

The Flesh

Readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Spirituality is really about the soul and the things of the soul. The body and its needs do not matter. In fact, the body is the soul’s prison. Salvation is…

An Open Letter to Our Bishops

 Now this I say, that no man may deceive you by loftiness of words.  For though I be absent in body, yet in spirit I am with you; rejoicing, and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith which is…

Rest in God

“Make the people sit down,” Jesus told them.  John 6: 10 The first thing Jesus did before miraculously feeding the five thousand was to have the people sit down. When we’re spiritually hungry, the first thing God probably needs us…