Over the years as I’ve studied the Bible, I along with others in Bible Study group have queried the idea, “Why didn’t the Israelites of the Old Testament get it? And if they had where would be be today?” Recently…
Sunday Readings for August 14, 2016 the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time One of the themes of Pope Francis at World Youth Day 2013 was to “shake things up.” This is quite different from the advice I was given as…
Some people have trouble accepting the accuracy of the Gospels. Even if we accept that some of the New Testament was written just 20 to 30 years after the Resurrection, that’s still 20 or 30 years. That’s a lot of…
Anyone who has tried to be good discovers quite quickly that goodness can be difficult. The thing that is right is not always the same as the thing that is easy: doing what is right will sometimes mean doing difficult…
As a young man I attended a Catholic high school for two years. One of the best courses I ever had and still remember is Religions of the World. We covered different religious beliefs and it gave me an appreciation…
Exploring if and/or how faith in Jesus Christ can be certain matters for catechesis, disciple-making, and evangelization as a whole. Certainty is related to confidence. If the “Good News” isn’t confidently known as something good with certainty, then why share it at all? A…
I don’t know about you, but I love sports. I’m not as good at them as I used to be, but that doesn’t stop me from trying something new. And I do like to watch my favorite sports on television,…
It wasn’t long ago that the mention of a “small faith group” would have sent me scrambling for the nearest exit. If offered a choice between participating in one and shaving off my eyebrows, I would have had to get…
Do you know that practicing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy can transform your marriage? This premise of Intimate Graces holds fast in delightful and touching stories with realistic solutions. The marriage of co-authors Teresa Tomeo (Pastore) and Deacon…
With the legalization of same-sex “marriage” throughout our country, the forces of the ongoing sexual revolution have now made transgender acceptance the new goal. In the last year I have encountered more phrases like “gender fluid,” “cisgender,” “gender-confused,” “transphobic,” and…