In a Luke 9:51-62 Jesus said these words in response to a person who wanted to bury their father first before following Jesus. Talk about being put in your place by Jesus. BAM! To another who wanted to say goodbye…
Sunday Readings for September 11, 2016 the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Everyone knows the bible stories of the Prodigal Son and the Golden Calf. But they don’t usually put the two together as this Sunday’s readings do. So what…
I don’t often post political pieces. In fact, this may be a first. But as I sit at my desk writing this, I find myself deeply troubled by our current state of affairs. In our nation, the term, separation of Church and…
How often have you been to Mass, listened to the readings and homily and heard a clear message about the sanctity of life and why abortion is wrong? Or how the Church can help those who have suffered with the…
Deep in each of us there exists a concept, a personal image of what Jesus looks like. That image was created by a lot of things. It comes from what we have heard, what others have modeled what people have…
Did you know that when you were baptized, you were anointed to be an evangelist? Yes, you and I, and every Christian are meant to bring others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How do we do that? There…
As disciples of Jesus, we seek to follow Jesus–to be like him as much as possible while on earth. This conformity to Christ is a foretaste of future glory, when, as John writes, “we shall be like him, for we…
Readings for Sunday, September 4, 2016 the 23rd Sunday, Year C When I was a kid, I got the distinct impression there existed a two-track system in Catholicism. Some really decided to go for it. They became priests, nuns, and…
In today’s Gospel, the Pharisees challenge Jesus because he has allowed his disciples to pick grain from the fields as they pass through. The investigator in me really wants to know where they were going on the Sabbath, and what…
In the Gospel of John, Jesus showed us what a servant’s heart looks like when he washed the feet of the apostles. Parishes often reenact this event on Holy Thursday. Pitchers of water are poured over feet and then dried with…