“Martha, Martha! You are worried and troubled over so many things, but just one is needed. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10: 41-42 I’ve got a Martha mind that…
My journey away from, discovering my roots in the Church and heading back to where I belong is a circuitous one. That’s not unlike many people. Each person, though, has mile stones that are different and “ah-ha” moments that are…
That the blessed and only ruler will make manifest at the proper time, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (1 Timothy 6:15) Recently I saw a post on Facebook. At first it angered me. Not that…
Do your faith formation classes teach people about prayer or form people as pray-ers? Yesterday marked the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)’s annual “Catechetical Sunday”–an unofficial kick-off to the new academic year of catechesis in parishes across the United States….
Sunday Readings for September 18, 2016, the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Our society tolerates religion, as long as it keeps to itself. After all, America is about the separation of Church and state, right? Education, entertainment, employment, politics are…
For Christians, the Bible is a special book because it tells us the great story of God and his love for us. The pinnacle of God’s love for us is Jesus, God come into the world to save us. This…
In a Luke 9:51-62 Jesus said these words in response to a person who wanted to bury their father first before following Jesus. Talk about being put in your place by Jesus. BAM! To another who wanted to say goodbye…
Sunday Readings for September 11, 2016 the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Everyone knows the bible stories of the Prodigal Son and the Golden Calf. But they don’t usually put the two together as this Sunday’s readings do. So what…
I don’t often post political pieces. In fact, this may be a first. But as I sit at my desk writing this, I find myself deeply troubled by our current state of affairs. In our nation, the term, separation of Church and…
How often have you been to Mass, listened to the readings and homily and heard a clear message about the sanctity of life and why abortion is wrong? Or how the Church can help those who have suffered with the…