The Proper Place of Politics

With the election tomorrow, people are very much concerned with the result. This is understandably so since whoever we elect will in effect not only be leader of our country by leader of the free world. I have spoken to…

Lessons From the Craft Fair

With autumn in the air I have already started to look forward to Advent. I know it seems a bit early but the parish I’m in has already put out the call for cookies to decorate the giving tree. That…

Get to Know God Through the Litanies

I love the Easter Vigil Mass. From the lighting of the Easter candle outside of the church, to the thrill of watching as new members are baptized and welcomed into the Church, the vigil is a beautiful experience that celebrates…

EWTN— A Tool We Need to Use More for the New Evangelization

  Mother Angelica’s EWTN- One of the Greatest Evangelization Tools for our Times By John S. Cohoat  Early in 2013, I attended a day long men’s retreat in South Bend, Indiana. My life was at a turning point, and I…

You Saint You

In November our Church calls us to remember the remarkable of the Church both recognized (All Saints) and those unrecognized (All Souls). We set up memorial tables, reverence the book of the dead and attend memorial Masses. All the while…

Find a Real Friend in Jesus

While interviewing Gary Zimak about his new book, Find a Real Friend in Jesus: Ten Amazingly Easy Steps, I found a fascinating backstory of how a conversion experience propelled him into a career as a full-time Catholic evangelist. Nancy: How…

Book Review: The Rebuilt Field Guide

Are you a parish that just can’t seem to get started on moving from maintenance to mission? A place where money, staffing, your community (and more) have been viewed as insurmountable barriers to evangelizing? A parish that gets (or has…


…O Lord…strengthen me and save me, because I serve you just as my mother did. Psalm 86: 15-16 King David, who wrote this psalm, is well-known in Scripture. He killed the giant Goliath with only a sling and a few…


Everyone sees Jacinta Marto as a seer or as a potential saint. Here we will look at her as an evangelizer, the youngest evangelizer we know of. Who is Jacinta Marto? Jacinta was the youngest of eleven children of Manuel…

Last Words and First Freedoms

Among famous last words, Sir Thomas More’s give Catholics the best advice for this year’s ugly and acrimonious political campaigns. As he was walking up the scaffold to his execution, the former Chancellor to Henry VIII summed up his predicament—and…