So your parish has a vision, and maybe even a catchy vision statement–now what? Vision that’s not communicated broadly falls flat. Because the point of vision is that it guides everyone. Not just the elite. Not just leaders. Everyone. How…
Sunday Readings for February 5 As a Catholic teen growing up in one of the most Catholic area of the US, I never would have considered abandoning my faith. But neither would I ever have considered getting excited about it….
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Psalm 23 is one of the most quoted psalms, and for many very good reasons. The familiar words remind us of God’s love for us, love which never wavers…
We love to complain, whether to our family over dinner, to our friends on social media, or to relative strangers through posts on our blogs. We criticize, judge and gripe, sometimes throwing in humor to make it go down…
We Need a New Word for “Love” By John S. Cohoat The problem? The word “love” gets used in so many trite ways…people have such low expectations or understanding of how to love. In fact, the word gets thrown…
“The footsteps of those who bring good news is a welcome sound. Faith comes from what is preached, and what is preached comes from the word of Christ.” (Rm 10: 15, 17). In our society, today we have completely changed…
One of the most frustrating and depressing things that many Christians experience is the problem of persistent sin. There are those of us who live sinful lives and then have a miraculous encounter with Christ and leave those sins behind….
Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Mathew 28:19 What good is a candle if it sits on the mantle on a dark night…
Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to…
A complex, highly gifted man who wrote volumes of works, John Henry Newman is the evangelist of today’s post. John Henry, born in 1801, at the height of the British Empire, was English by birth. His father was Anglican;…