Meanwhile the boat, already a few miles offshore was being tossed about by the waves, for the wind against it. During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward them. When the disciples saw him walking on the sea,…
I love the account of Paul speaking at Mars Hill in Athens in Acts 17. While pre-evangelization includes witness without words, we’re often called to converse or speak in the midst of pre-evangelization, and Paul’s speech is verbal pre-evangelization at…
Playing badminton in a friend’s backyard I go long for a birdie, loose my footing, and land in a rosebush. While my friend veils an attempt to compose herself, I look to the heavens with disdain. What my friend does…
This is a book that combines biblical truth and teachings, devotions, application and fiction into one. Each chapter is divided into different sections, each meant to give you a different and unique perspective on the last week of Jesus’ life….
I cannot imagine I have anything original to say about this topic, nor should I. The problem of lust as long been the bane of many human lives. It has destroyed families, ruined lives, and caused general guilt and shame…
Readings for Sunday, February 12 Radio talk show hosts make a living on it. Show after show, they bring before our eyes stupid, unjust and wasteful situations in order to incite outrage. We love to listen and get ourselves all…
Silence is a faith-based film for those (like me) who can’t stand faith-based films. It is not an easy movie to watch. It is a film which was made not to entertain an audience but rather, as all good art…
A “petition” has been created to ban life jackets, because “(t)he only 100% effective way to prevent drowning is total abstinence from going in the water.” Though the creator has replaced logical argumentation with sarcasm, I’ll give the benefit of…
Ah, social media, the obsession of the modern age. Addictive and compelling, so many of us check it every day, several times a day, not just on our computers, but on our phones everywhere we go. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat,…
A book review by Nancy Ward The subtitle of True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life, reflects Lisa Mladinich’s way of relating her experience and encouragement to women. Readers find grace here in her wisdom and insight….