May is the month traditionally set aside for us to honor the Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother is not only Jesus’ mother; she is ours as well. In John’s Gospel, as Jesus is dying on the cross, he turns to…
We can learn to better our Faith from Special Needs Mothers. How so? They believe without seeing. Let’s start with Mom’s in general. How important is a Mom? Is it any surprise that Jesus performed His first miracle based on…
“Do Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.” The most basic reformulation of this principle is “Don’t lie.” Most of us understand this idea as something that was instilled in us as soon as we could talk. We are taught…
We recently heard the Gospel about Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. When Jesus asks for a drink of water, she tells him that the well is deep, and she points out that Jesus doesn’t even have a…
Well, it’s because you are, if you are really trying to live the gift of faith Jesus gave us in our Catholic Church. That’s what brilliant Catholic leader, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, has laid out for us in his…
This Lent our parish theme was: “After meeting Jesus what will you do?” In that tiny sentence is a question that could probably take a lifetime to answer. By the fifth Sunday of Lent, however, this question was poking at…
Time for God by Fr. Jacques Philippe is about mental prayer. Facing God in solitude and silence for a time, to enter into intimate, loving communication with him. I read this as a participant in a group study initiated by…
Today’s Gospel reading ends with a convicting line from Jesus: the work of God is believing in His Son (Jn 6:29). If I’m to do the work of God (and I want to in my life, right?) it’s not cleaning…
If what they have planned and done is of human origin, it will disappear, but if it comes from God, you cannot possibly defeat them. You could find yourselves fighting against God! (Acts 5: 38b-39) Ever find yourself fighting against…
St. John the Evangelist can certainly be classified as one of the first Christian evangelists. St. John is given many titles, the Beloved, the Apostle, the son of thunder, of Patmos, the Presbyter. It is argued that he had so…