When the Mere Mention of Sin Becomes the “Sin”

Have you found that the mere mention of the word “sin” can be taken as a sign from others that you are somehow intolerant? Our culture relegates the concept of sin to a religious term that only extreme ideologues would…

Sins of Omission

You’ve heard the phrase in the title. I bet you have even formed a little catalog in your head of what is included. There are probably things in your list that include a lot of “forgetting”. You know: I forgot…

The Fantasy of a Judgment-Free Zone

The ad for a national fitness center franchise promised that for $10 a month I could enter a judgment-free zone. It gave the hours where I could escape the judgmental world around me to enter a place where no one…

10 Commandments in the Modern World Pt 9 – Relationship Boundaries

Commandment 9: Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife. In the version of the 10 Commandments found in the book of Exodus place both objects of covetous desires, your neighbor’s wife and his goods, into the same commandment. The version…

True Freedom

The Fourth of July always seems to make people stop and reflect on the core values of our culture. One of these values is freedom. We talk about political freedom, religious freedom, and economic freedom. Listen to or read any…

Conversion: Moment and Process

This week our Church celebrates two great missionaries–Peter and Paul. Often when we talk about conversion in the Christian life, there can be almost a rivalry between the idea of our life-changing conversion as a particular moment (i.e. I remember  on such-and-such…


You are the light of the world. A city seated on a mountain cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it may shine to all that are…

Spiritual Decoys

“[Hezekiah] did what was pleasing to the Lord. He destroyed the pagan places of worship, broke the stone pillars, and cut down the images of the goddess Asherah. He also broke in pieces the bronze snake that Moses had made,…

Who’s in Charge of Me?

As Catholics, many of our faith have learned the rules at the knee of a teacher, parent, or grandparent without ever having a disagreement, difference of opinion or question of anything. To be sure, there is an encyclopedia of information…

Remember Who You Are

There is important liturgical concept called “anamnesis.” Literally translated it means “remembering.” It is so fascinating to me how important this concept is in the Scriptures. In the Exodus, God says of the Passover, “This day you are to remember;…