Finding God’s Love Where You Are – A Brief Meditation

Where are you now? I’m not asking for your location according to Google Maps.  I’m asking you where you are on your life’s journey. The one will move you from birth to death, including everything in between. The good. The…

How Comfy is Your Box?

One of the early things that I learned in “Theology School” was the way that God works. Do I have all of the answers, no, but I know what the plan looks like. It reminds me of a 70’s TV…

God’s Partners

We are called by God to take care of his creation. Not just as stewards but as co-creators with God. His work continues with our help, in the fields of our lives. In the spiritual realm, we are called as…

Reflecting on Jesus’ Grandparents

A few days ago we celebrated the feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim, the parents of the Virgin Mary. Very little can be said about them with certainty. Neither of Mary’s parents are named in the Scriptures. We find these…

Old vs New

Sunday Readings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Old vs. New “Liberal” and “conservative.”  The definitions of these terms are seldom stated.  Usually, they are just presumed.  Often people call “conservative” those who like old-fashioned things and “liberal” those…

Opening Ancient Doors

“Fling wide the gates, open the ancient doors, and the great king will come in. Who is the great king? The Lord Almighty—he is the great king!” Psalm 24: 9-10 What ancient doors do we have to open? Anything that…

Tough Mudder Pre-Evangelization Tips

Why would anyone pay to go through messy, physically demanding obstacle courses and “comically extreme” challenges (Fast Company, Jun 2017)? Indeed. Why? From Tough Mudder CEO, Will Dean, it’s got something to do with ritual and community.  As he explains, Tough Mudder events, “are…

Never to be Seen

Are you a gardener?  Did you ever plant a seed? Did you ever wonder about the “Seen Parable” (Lk 8: 4-15) and try to figure out which one you were and become depressed because you thought that the description which…


      Then he said unto them “Go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry;…

10 Commandments in the Modern World Pt 10 – Be Happy for Others

Commandment 10: Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods. In our last article, we covered coveting your neighbor’s wife. In this one we will talk about our neighbor’s possessions. It is very natural to want what someone else has. We…