Saint Maximilian Kolbe; Apostle of Consecration to Mary

  Everyone seems to know about Fr. Maximillian Kolbe killed at Auschwitz. But do you know his life and how devoted he was to evangelization? Father Kolbe was born Raymond Kolbe On January 8, 1894, in Zdunska Wola, the Kingdom…

Golden Obedience

Make a Box out of acacia wood…. Cover it with pure gold inside and out and put a gold border all around it….Put the two stone tables inside the Box and put the lid on top of it. Exodus 25:…

For Ever and Ever

I am sometimes shocked when I hear people say things like “I want to live forever!” The ones who have that to say are usually young, have no ailments and no real stresses in their life. But “forever”, wow! Times…

God Has Plans for Us

That the blessed and only ruler will make manifest at the proper time, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (1 Timothy 6:15)   Recently I saw a post on Facebook. At first it angered me. Not that someone…


Sunday Readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 17. Just about everyone can recite the Lord’s Prayer from memory. That’s precisely the problem, though. We often rattle it off without really thinking about what we are saying. “Forgive…

Sin takes away freedom, but God makes us free

Freedom: the choice to do or not to do, to be or not to be. God wants us to be free, even if that means we are free to choose wrongly; he much prefers friends, who choose to do what…

Admonish sinners

Sunday Readings for the 23nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 10 I used to think that God’s law was like those dumb rules we had to put up with in grammar school, like “Thou shalt not chew gum in class.”…

Objective Truth

Why do we care about words like “objective” and “subjective”? This isn’t a grammar site. The words aren’t particularly theological, but they do come into play when talking about our faith. Many people opposed to the faith see it as…

What R U Lookin’ At?

In the lessons surrounding John the Baptist there are many things that get our immediate attention as well as some things that don’t but should! Let’s fill in the details a bit about John and his ministry. First of all,…

Sunday Mass in Galilee in Jesus’ language

An entry in my travel journal describes one Sunday in Galilee in 1988 on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by John Michael Talbot. As it does now, the world churned in turmoil with war surrounding the holy sites….