This week we commmorated the Feast of All Saints, a celebration which dates back to the early years of the Church. It is a celebration of those saints and martyrs we know to be in heaven. It is also a…
We hand out CDs to fallen away Catholics. We support or take part in street evangelization teams, hanging out in front of shopping malls and discount stores. We support and listen to Catholic radio. These are good. They are like…
I’ll never forget that bleak January day when my father died. It was very hard to believe in the resurrection as I watched the undertakers carry away his lifeless corpse in a body bag. But imagine this scene. You are…
In November our Church calls us to remember the remarkable of the Church both recognized (All Saints) and those unrecognized (All Souls). We set up memorial tables, reverence the book of the dead and attend memorial Masses. All the while…
At age 16, I thought that aspiring to holiness was out of the question. If you really wanted to be holy, I thought, you had to be a priest, nun, or brother. And you had to spend your days doing…
Which comes first in your parish–Believe, Belong, or Behave? Are people expected to conform to a certain (hidden at times!) code of behaviors about where kids are sent to school, how one dresses, or what kind of music you listen…
They are at it again. In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus’ opponents enlist a lawyer to do what lawyers do best- ask a question that puts a person on the hot seat. “Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” (Matthew…
Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of…
The protector of Israel never dozes or sleeps. Psalm 121:4 Problems sneak into our lives right under God’s nose—or so it seems. It’s only natural that we do all we can to solve them. God gave us our brains and…
Saint Sergius was known as a spiritual leader, a monastic reformer of medieval Russia and one of the most highly venerated saints of Russia. Born May 13, 1314, this man was baptized Bartholomew, after the Apostle Bartholomew. His parents were…