What are you waiting for right now? I don’t mean waiting your turn at the doctor’s office or the checkout line or waiting to move forward in a traffic jam. I mean waiting for the next life-changing reprieve or jolt…
Today is the Feast of All Saints, a celebration which dates back to the early years of the Church. It is a celebration of those saints and martyrs we know to be in heaven. It is also a remembrance of…
Stephen Hawking passed in early 2018, but one of his books is being published posthumously. This book is getting a great deal of press because it expresses Hawkings’ atheistic beliefs of a universe that is explainable without God. Seeing as…
Gaze upon Jesus: Experiencing Christ’s Childhood through the Eyes of Women is a beautiful book that helps us enter into the scriptures with the help of many women. Women who are in the scriptures themselves, like Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna;…
Is there ever a day without hiccups? I think not. It’s when we dwell on the rough spots that we forget All the good. Dwell instead on the Guy who held the door for you Lunch with a friend Conversation…
Pope Paul VI was just canonized a saint. Our reflections on Humanae Vitae have been building to its ultimate purpose, the one to which Pope St. Paul VI has been directing us. Almost all of the ink spilled on this…
Tertium non datur. That’s the law of the excluded middle. It is used in philosophy, especially logic, but there is a lot of other “middle” that we can exclude besides philosophy. In my last post, There is a Third Way,…
A Christian is called to speak the truth in love. [Ephesians 4:15] This means to be faithful to both truth and love at the same time. But it can be challenging in difficult situations, where truth and love seem to…
I have a great prayer intention. Before I offer it up, I check out every angle as if I’m purchasing a used car. The tires are sound, because this prayer is absolutely not about me. In fact, it’s the most…
In Stirring Slumbering Souls, Michael Seagriff invites us to ponder 250 Eucharistic reflections and recognize two distinct voices, “the prophet calling Israel back to fidelity” and “the sweet Mother inviting us to trust in her Son.” A good many of…