When my nose isn’t in a book (and it isn’t nearly as much as I’d like), I love nothing more than to talk books with someone who enjoys reading as much as I do. And when the person who’s talking…
Why should we believe in God? I usually start my first theology class by asking my students this. Most of them have spent years in Catholic school, but they are flummoxed to find an answer. “Because the Bible says so.” …
For years I have struggled with how my gifts from God were being used for His glory. Even after attending an intense Called and Gifted seminar I wondered if my fiction writing was a talent or a charism. And then,…
In my experience, few Catholics read the letters written by our Popes. I myself am new to the reading Church documents unless assigned as part of classes I was taking or teaching. I would like to see more people reading…
Readings for September 16, 2012: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Pentecostal preachers shout it. Monks chant it. Most Christians end every prayer with it. But what does “Amen” really mean? Is it just a pious way to “log…
Not long ago, I was talking with a fellow parishioner after Mass about care for her elderly mother. With a completely straight face, this nice lady told me, “We had to put Mother in a nursing home, you know, because…
Readings for September 14, 2012: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Terrorism is nothing new. It’s probably as old as the human race. In fact, the cradle of civilization, now Iraq, was the home of the most infamous…
Suppose we have a woman on fire with the Gospel message, ready to evangelize the culture. Besides materials from this website, what should she tuck into her New Evangelizer Supply Kit? Does she need a bus ticket to the public…
Editor’s note: Today we welcome Joe Wetterling to the New Evangelizers blogging team! I love analogies. If you aren’t familiar with them (or have blocked them out of your memory ever since the SATs), here is the idea: an analogy compares…
At the end of August, I did a rare thing: I boarded a plane and flew across the country, sans kids, to the glory of an in-person meet-up of immense Catholic proportions. It was the Catholic Marketing Network trade show AND the Catholic Writers…