G. K. Chesterton said, “The important thing for a country is that the men should be manly, the women womanly.” He was right. Women behaving like women – that is, using their feminine gifts – have the power to transform…
Last week the Holy Father entrusted the Year of Faith and the Synod on the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith to Mary, and it got me thinking: If the Successor of St. Peter is entrusting this…
St. Augustine said, “We were made for You, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” The human heart is a puzzle, to be sure. But Augustine gives us the answer. To understand the profundity of…
In 1958, a congenial old man, Angelo Roncalli, was elected to the chair of Peter. He was to be a caretaker pope, someone to keep the ship steady while the cardinals identified a more long-term leader. That smiling old man…
That the blessed and only ruler will make manifest at the proper time, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (1 Timothy 6:15) Recently I saw a post on Facebook basically asking, “If God has plans for us, why…
Last week, on October 11, we began the Year of Faith. Each time the Pope declares a “Year of…” I find it very interesting and exciting. It seems as if the declaration, this letter of whatever the year is, has…
Readings for October 14, 2012: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B He was curious. He had already fulfilled all the elementary requirements. He was a decent person who hadn’t killed anybody, had honored his parents, and would never think…
When Hans Urs von Balthasar was taking graduate courses in theology during the last century, he was said to have lamented after one class, “They’ve taken all the eros out of theology!” If you’ve read the first encyclical that our…
Editor’s note: Today we welcome Mark Menegatti to the New Evangelizers blogging team! Can there be any good news in a culture of consumers and materialists bored with everything obsessing over replacing their currently obsolete new smart phone? Can there…
I can’t use the word “blessings” without thinking of a deacon who lives in Arizona. It all started back in the days when Lisa Hendey was podcasting (remember that?) and one of her contributors shared a “Deacon Moment.” Deacon Tom…