10 Ways to Share Your Faith with Your Children

As a Catholic, my faith permeates all of what I do. As a Catholic mother, I want to pass my faith on to my children. How do Catholic parents keep our children in our faith? 1. Go to Mass. Seems…

Now and at the Hour of Our Death: Agony, Holy Water, Consolation

The elderly next door neighbor was in the hospital, dying, and my friend Janine had volunteered to babysit the great-grandson. “I’ve never seen anything so terrible,” the boy’s mom, Kara, had confided, distraught, when she came to the house one…

7 Qualities of a New Evangelist

I’ve been watching a lot of Word on Fire videos lately. I’ve been a fan of Father Robert Barron for quite a while, but now you can officially categorize me as a fangirl. I’m going to have t-shirts made and…

Language Barriers in Evangelization

Archbishop Fulton Sheen famously said: “There are not even 100 people in this country who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they think the Catholic Church to be.” Where do they come from, these things…

Better Than the News

Oh yeah. Jesus has a wife, oh yeah. {Shrugs shoulders.} Definitely, Ephesians chapter 5, and Revelations chapter 19, yeah yeah… Ooooooooooohhhhhhhh! {Chuckles} Oh… Oh… {Widens eyes} You’re serious then? You mean to say Jesus has a wife, not in the…

Lucky Job

It seems all to easy to claim camaraderie with Job. I even had a friend who would weep openly at all his troubles and tell me that only thing that gave him comfort was when he thought about Job and…

If God Is for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

Going against the flow of mainstream society can be one of the greatest challenges we face when living out our faith.  Choosing between the ways of man and the ways of Christ is difficult.  When I find myself in this…

John & James

Readings for October 21, 2012: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B It was time to make their move.  Usually it was Peter who took the initiative, but now it was their turn.  They cleared their throats and asked the…

Joy in Suffering: Only a Footprint Away

C’mon!! Can there really be such a thing?  People joyful while they’re suffering?  Impossible! A few years ago I received some devastating news.  I never thought I’d overcome that dark period in my life.  A deep sorrow overtook my heart….

What Would Jesus Do?

Remember the bracelets and t-shirts from the WWJD fad of the 1990s? It is a great concept and a tremendous question which has been riding my mind lately as I delve deeper into my faith. We have the roadmap of…