RCIA – First Steps in the Catholic Church

The goal of the New Evangelization is to spread the Gospel message – bringing fallen away Catholics back to the faith and introducing new Catholics to the faith for the first time. But what’s next?  For adults, it’s RCIA, of…

Hasten the End

Readings for November 18, 2012: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Whenever I lead a trip to the Holy Land, the question inevitably comes, “Will we visit Armageddon?’  This refers to the battlefield surrounding the ancient city of Megiddo where some…

Praying for the Holy Souls

It’s November and Catholics are reminded to pray for the release of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. While growing up, I was taught to pray and attend Mass on All Souls Day, November 2, for the souls. It wasn’t until…

What Jesus Did

As Catholics and Christians, we study the life of Jesus in the Gospels and strive to emulate His example. For us, WWJD becomes What Jesus Did (WJD). Jesus had presence in His public ministry. He didn’t rant or rave and…

Clean Your Heart, Simplify Your Life!

There’s always been something about a clean space that has made me think, work, and create better. Perhaps that’s one way I am made in the Image and Likeness of God; for, He too began with a clean slate… actually,…

C.S. Lewis and the New Evangelization

If you’ve read any of my earlier articles, you may have noticed that I quote heavily from C.S. Lewis. I first encountered Mr. Lewis as a child.  I was very young and I caught the tail end of a cartoon…

Preparing for Peace

As a working mother of four, I’ve had more than my share of annoying detours from peaceful living. Perhaps the most edifying detour, however, occurred a few years ago when my oldest daughter returned from a short trip with the…

Journeying through the Creed

Recently, as I thought I was totally goofing off and reading some of my favorite blogs, I discovered something that’s already helping me in this Year of Faith: a series hosted by Melanie Bettinelli of The Wine Dark Sea, examining…


I live in the land of year-round yard work.  And sometimes it gets old. Last weekend the dead marigolds on one side and the weeds choking my rose bush on the other demanded attention.  First stop, Home Depot Garden Center. …

The Widow’s Mite

Readings for November 11, 2012: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time The time lag between the two widows in this Sunday’s readings was considerable.  Lots of things change in 800 years. But one thing their two societies had in common–they offered…