vcat - Video Catechism

How Old Media Can Rock the New Evangelization

Meet the VCAT. (That’s “Video Catechism,” in case you were wondering.) I think it speaks for itself: {Link to the embedded video.} Here’s what it’s all about: As we begin the Year of Faith, announced by Pope Benedict XVI, the Diocese…

Faith and the Gospel of Mark

This Year of Faith began while we were reading the Gospel of Mark most Sundays.  To help me rediscover faith, I took a look at faith through that Gospel. Our faith grows as we learn more about the person of…

Reflecting on the Feast of Christ the King

Readings for November 25, 2012: Feast of Christ the King From the dawn of civilization, kings have arisen who have dreamed of possessing a world-wide dominion, a universal kingdom that would last forever. Some have come close to conquering much…

Just Talk to Me

Just a short walk from my home is a cozy cafe that I visit daily. Many evenings I can be found sipping a great Fair Trade blend of coffee, nibbling on one of their delightful sweets, and engrossed in a…

A How-To Guide for Adoration with Small Children

As part of my daughter’s American Heritage Girls troop service hours, each family is asked to volunteer at the 24 hour Adoration Chapel. 1 hour. 60 minutes. Doesn’t seem like a lot of time to give, but with small children…

Other People’s Vocations

“I don’t love it!”  That’s what our then-four-year-old used to say whenever she didn’t care for something. Time to turn off the TV?  Clean-up?  Go to bed?  I don’t love it. When I tell people I enjoy teaching religious education,…

Thanksgiving and Eucharist

Readings for November 22, 2012: Thanksgiving Day Mass For Americans, the term “Thanksgiving” conjures up images of turkey and cranberry sauce, parades and bowl games.  These “traditions” have come to mark an event made a perpetual institution of American life…

Knowing the Person of Jesus

Being that the World Synod of Bishops recently covered the theme of the New Evangelization, I had been mining for quotes, ideas, and themes to engage here. This quote, however, stopped me: The Gospel that Jesus Christ came to reveal…

Two Callings: One God

Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the…

So, You Wanna Evangelize?

I have to be honest: I’m a reluctant evangelist at best. I don’t want to go face-to-face with anyone about religion or, really, anything. I don’t want to pretend to discuss something that’s going to turn into a defense or…