Have a Holly Jolly Advent

It’s beginning to look a lot like Advent, everywhere you go… All I want for Advent is my two front teeth… Advent is a coming, the goose is getting fat… On the first day of Advent my true love gave…

The New Evangelization on tumblr

The New Evangelization on tumblr

In a recent conversation among my community of friars, we discussed Pope Benedict’s 2012 address on World Communications day, The Priest and Pastoral Ministry in the Digital World. One of the older friars asked, “Why just the priests? Why not everyone?…

Bring a Friend

One of the ways you can celebrate the Year of Faith is to bring a friend to church. A personal invitation to a neighbor, coworker or family member can be effective—and yet risky. The great calling of the New Evangelization…

Old Style Evangelization Made New Again

“Mom, there’s someone at the door.” It was a Saturday morning and I hadn’t showered yet. I’m pretty sure I had only had one cup of coffee, so all my brain cells weren’t firing yet. That must be why I…

Lessons from Catholic Missions

Today, December 3rd, is the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, the Patron Saint of Missions, so let’s reflect for a moment on how we can apply the success of Catholic missions abroad to our local New Evangelization efforts. Without the…

Advent: The Reason for the Season

Readings for December 2, 2012: First Sunday of Advent “Advent” is simply the Latin word for “coming.”  If we can manage to meditate on any “coming” in December besides the comings and goings of Christmas shopping, it would be Christ’s…


The days are coming when I will fulfill the promise…  Jer. 33:14 By now the turkey is long gone.  The exhaustion and excitement of hitting the big sales has dissipated.  Many of us don’t remember the score of the big…

Evangelizing Our Kids

One day, the Pharisees tested Jesus with an important question – of all 613 of the Bible’s laws, which is most important?  The Lord quickly shot back a response: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,…

On the Necessity of Hell

“Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.” These are the words above the gates of Hell in Dante’s Divine Comedy.  And that is the true horror of hell: the loss of all hope.  Even here in this valley of tears…

Big Fish / Little Fish

In the scheme of things it can sometimes be too easy to become unaware of our proper place in the world.  We focus on our own career, family, hobbies, and personal responsibilities.   That’s enough to draw anyone’s full time attention,…