Christmas Eve

T’was the night before Christmas, when deep in my soul I felt such a peace, not even a worry. The manger was set, the tree lights twinkled Knowing Jesus would soon be here The faithful were sure the Son would…

The First Believer

Readings for December 23, 2012: Fourth Sunday of Advent The Beatitudes rank high on the list of all-time favorite Bible passages.  But what is “beatitude,” anyway?   In the bible, a “blessed” person is someone who has received gifts of…

Saying or Praying?

How many times have you been lost in prayer? I do not mean lost in ecstasy, emotion, and spiritual bliss. I mean lost as in you are reciting a prayer but in your mind, you are contemplating what to cook for…

WWJD: The John 8 Test

Whenever I start to feel high and mighty about my faith and my Catholicism, I use the John 8 Test. This passage from John, chapter 8, is the “He who is without sin…” Bible story. I used to think was…

Dogmas: Road Signs of Our Faith

Lots of people can’t spell dogma because they think it’s a four-letter word. When the word is mentioned, conversation stops.  Tempers flare.  Moods become icy. Why do words like “dogma” and “dogmatic” carry such a negative connotation?  And, more importantly,…

Keeping Christ in Christmas: Our Family’s Approach

“Actions speak louder than words.”  “One picture is worth a thousand words.”  “Talk is cheap.” There are lots of different sayings in the English language that generally express the same thing–words alone don’t do the necessary job of communicating, especially…

For Every Teaching There is a Reason

Today, we welcome Patti Maguire Armstrong to the New Evangelizers blogging team! It is important to teach our children the reasons for the teachings of the  Catholic faith, they may one day join the ranks of the thousands of lapsed…

Parents, Do You Know?

There is a Christmas song I’ve heard a few times entitled “Mary Did You Know?”  It asks Mary, the Mother of Jesus if she knew who her Son was and what his life meant to the world and to her….

Evangelizing Christmas

WARNING:  This article is meant as satire.  While I am partially serious, please take no offense. Team, this is it.  We’ve been waiting all year, and we only get one chance at Evangelizing Christmas!  We’ll get another shot at Easter,…

What the Baptist Can Teach Us about Joy

Readings for December 16, 2012: Third Sunday in Advent On the third Sunday of Advent, the penitential purple of the season changes to rose and we celebrate “Gaudete” or “Rejoice!” Sunday. “Shout for joy, daughter of Sion” says Zephaniah. “Draw…