On the last day of 2012 the readings of the Church gave us an odd juxtaposition. The first reading from the first letter of John (2:18-19) continues the “preparation” warnings of Advent. We are cautioned, “it is the last hour.”…
A mom relayed this story to me about her son’s evangelization plan. After Mass he told his mom he had a great idea on how to use the flyers from children’s liturgy. He would take them and make them into…
Readings for January 20, 2013: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time In the past two weeks, the Church has celebrated the Epiphany and the Lord’s baptism. This coming Sunday we remember the Wedding Feast at Cana. What’s the connection between the…
It seems odd that shortly after celebrating our Lord’s birth, we are thrown into Lent commemorating His passion, death, and resurrection. I remember our late pastor saying that sometimes your Lent comes after a loved one dies. Sometimes your Lent…
Mild, meek, pregnant, servant-of-the-Lord Mary takes a trip to see her cousin Elizabeth, who is miraculously pregnant in her own right. Elizabeth sees Mary and John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeth’s womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. Filled with…
I remember watching The Sound of Music as a little girl on television right around Easter. Yep, that was back in the pre-historic days, the days before DVDs or even VHS. The one line that always stuck with me was…
As parents, what we need to do is teach our children to love and serve God through their Catholic faith. Why? It is our God-given responsibility. How? Learn all we can about our Catholic faith and teach it to our…
I can say plenty of awesome things about what the New Evangelization is, how it is best to go about it, how one can be successful, and how to do it in 3 easy steps. I have been affected by…
Over the years as I’ve studied the Bible, I–along with others in my Bible Study group–have wondered, “Why didn’t the Israelites of the Old Testament get it? And if they had where would be be today?” Recently I had an…
There is a lot of pressure from mainstream society for the Catholic Church to begin compromising our values. Should we give in to this mounting pressure? Our goal is to evangelize and bring as many souls to Christ as possible,…