I’m Not Enough

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you will say to this mountain ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20) Here’s another one: Therefore my beloved brothers,…

Why is Lent Forty Days?

Readings for February 17, 2013: First Sunday of Lent In the English language, the special season before Easter is called “Lent.”  The word comes from the “lengthening” of daylight hours as we progress from the darkness of winter to the…

Food for Thought

I am not very successful at fasting these days.   Yes, I can abstain from meat, but true fasting?  It’s a hard go.  However, I wonder if the first Christians also felt this way. The early Christians had many periods of…


In an Advent article for our diocesan newspaper last December, Bishop Edward Weisenburger identified “busyness” as one of the five wounds of secularization, and a “scourge of our modern time.” I can relate. It is a problem I constantly struggle…

Why I Own a Cheap Bible

When I first started reading the Bible regularly, I used a plain hardbound copy of the NAB. But because it was hardbound, I wouldn’t mark it up. I kept telling myself to get over it: it was my book, I…

Remodeling the Domestic Church

I recently spent a few days at the home of a very dear friend.  In the course of our many conversations, my friend referenced some people, places, and things of which I had to confess I knew nothing.  Finally she…

Apologetic Evangelization

Recently, I’ve been overviewing the USCCB’s “Disciples Called to Witness.” In one post at my blog I diagrammed where evangelization and catechesis come into play. Those who have never heard the Gospel or have fallen away from it need evangelization….

It’s in the Authority

There is a church in our diocese that once attracted Catholics who did not like rules. The pastor came across as big-hearted and inclusive. He welcomed everyone to the Eucharist at weddings and funerals, regardless of whether they were Catholic…

What is Your Doggy Door?

A few years ago, an inspirational young woman who had been called to religious life shared with me one of her more humorous moments from the summer prior to leaving her life as a layperson. She explained that she had…

40 Ways to Get the Most out of Lent

This is not an exhaustive list of Lenten ideas.  But it’s a start!  Many of the resources mention here are available on our website at www.crossroadsinitiative.com or can be found by visiting our links page. Take 30 minutes to pray,…