The Scandal of Childlike Faith

Catholics have a very intriguing view of the faith life of children compared to many other American Christians. It is perhaps absurd practice to nonbelievers of every shade. Many Americans–some Evangelicals as well as secularists–eschew Catholics for the involuntary system…

Who Do They Say You Are?

In the grand scheme of things have you ever taken an inventory of the way others perceive you?   For a believer this is not necessarily a far-fetched idea.  You might remember that Jesus did this very thing when he asked…

The Meaning of Mercy

The Second Vatican Council taught us that the Eucharist is the “Source and Summit” of the Christian life.  Yet we must keep in mind that the same council makes clear that the Eucharist is not the sum total of the…

Bumper Sticker Evangelist

Have you ever driven behind a bumper sticker evangelist?  They have so many bumper stickers that it is hard to tell what color the car is anymore.  Each one proclaims the Word of God in a unique way: some are…

The Transfiguration and the Cross

Readings for February 24, 2013: Second Sunday in Lent Appearances can be deceiving.  After all, Jesus was just another Galilean.  His hands were the rough hands of a workman.  People in Nazareth knew his mother.  Some even remembered the man…

Parental Guidance Required

Life automatically comes with a PG (Parental Guidance) warning when we live as active Christians. Our children are surrounded by media that is saturated by sex, violence, drugs, and every abomination imaginable. Our children are constantly bombarded by ideas that…

10 Tips for Being a More Joyful Mother

Ever run into a mother who was filled with joy? Not just when a new baby is welcomed home, but amidst the day to day life of being a mom. I have to admit, I spend more time lamenting my…

A Teachable Moment

Where were you when you first heard the news of Pope Benedict’s resignation? I was making breakfast, juggling lunches, and trying to get my morning rolling when I received a text from a family member. She was alerting me and…

Sinners in the Church

People often point out how sinful the Church is.  Whether it was the sexual abuse scandal in all of the headlines or the hypocrites trying to kill each other getting out of the parking lot after mass, our Church seems…

No Turning Back on Lent

Ah, the first week of Lent—just about the time when I usually start to question the choice and discernment of my individual Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Is this a sacrifice I’m really committed to? How am I…