Continuing to Learn our Faith as Adults

I’m sort of a convert to the Catholic faith. I was baptized Catholic, but never raised in the Church. As an adult, I connected with more and more Catholic people and went though private instructions with a priest before going…

A Glimpse of Joy at the Foot of the Cross

Every once and a while I have a tough day, a difficult weekend, or week that leaves me wanting to curl up in a cave and never come out. (Not a “man cave,” more like a nicely decorated cave with…

Enough Already!

It’s time to grow up. Really.  That means having standards.  I don’t just mean the kind of standards that you quietly keep to yourself so as not to offend anyone. No, I mean the kind that everyone knows where you…

Getting Others to Listen to the Gospel

The Gospel is the Good News.  So why does it seem so often like people do not want to hear it? Have you ever tried to teach a class or give a witness or just speak one on one with…

The Spirituality of Invitation

The “New Evangelization” is all around us. Catholics Come Home continues its prime time television campaign to eventually reach viewers in every U.S. diocese. The acclaimed Catholicism documentary series produced by Fr. Robert Barron and Word on Fire ministries has aired on…

Unless a Grain of Wheat

Amen, amen I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat: but if it dies, It produces much fruit. (John 12:24, NAB) Every year I buy seed…

Threshold Conversation

A few weeks ago I read a great book, Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, by Sherry A. Weddell.  There is a general review on my blog.  I would like to focus on one part of the…

Grace for the Taking

Readings for March 17, 2013: Fifth Sunday of Lent It really looked like the end of the road for her.  Caught in the act of a capital crime, her fate lay in the hands of an angry mob.  Desiring to…

I *WANT* That!

God’s word says: “Store up treasures in heaven.” (Mt 6:20) “You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Mt 6:24) “Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God… . Do…

From Science to Salvation

Albert Einstein derived the formula E = mc² over a century ago. I love this equation…it’s easier to understand than you might guess. E is energy; m is mass (you know, stuff); and c² is the speed of light squared, which…