“What is this, some kind of wedding?” The question jolted me into the role of evangelist. I’d been standing near the edge of a large crowd of people praying and participating in a Eucharistic procession, pushing my infant son back…
I spend most of my time working on evangelization. I use media as much as possible and try hard to be creative and relevant. As a director of faith formation my major responsibility is to provide appropriate formation for the…
Readings for April 28, 2013: Fifth Sunday of Easter Often Christians act surprised when they try to do good and things don’t go according to plan. Sometimes it’s small but irritating annoyances that get in the way, and other times,…
Last Sunday while I was at Mass, I had a very sobering experience. After receiving holy communion and walking silently back to my seat, I knelt down to spiritually reflect on the sacrament of communion that I had just received….
I’ve been a big fan of Catholic radio for a number of years. One day, my husband mentioned that he’d heard a young priest who was wonderful. He didn’t give me many specifics, and my Internet searches seamed fruitless until…
I was minding my own business, researching an article on Catholic Sex Ed, and next thing I knew, I was re-learning Evangelization 101. You know, the part where they drill into your head the ol’ maxim about “First Do No…
“Oh, I’d love to help, but I’m so busy…” “Bummer, we have three things going on at that time. Maybe sometime when I’m not so swamped I can help…” “Gee, thanks for asking, but no, we can’t help right now.”…
Tomorrow, April 24, my community will be celebrating the Conversion of Saint Augustine. As some of you know, I am an Augustinian Friar, and we, as well as many other Religious Orders, have a calendar of unique Feasts. April 24…
We sometimes hear this phrase in preaching and/or teaching about the Church: “The fullness of the Spirit.” For me that’s a cue to the life-changing events that set my life onto a path that I never intended. That phrase makes…
Recently, I had an epiphany. We spend a lot of time reaching out to the poor and hungry, but who is reaching out to the rich and fallen? Didn’t Jesus say: “Amen, I say to you, it will be hard…