Back in the late 80’s/early 90’s I took riding lessons and leased a horse at a small stable near Carpinteria. There was a carriage house on the property that was rented out to a series of tenants who came and…
Have you read Greg Willits’s new book, The New Evangelization and You? If not, you need to grab a copy as soon as possible! Not only is it well-written and practical, it is tried and true because, let’s face it,…
One of my first stops each morning is to pay a quick visit to my favorite social media site: Twitter. Typically, my overnight haul of tweets that I’ve missed includes a gem from@Pontifex (who likes to tweet around 2:45 am my time) and…
Think going door-to-door is just a Protestant or Morman thing? Think again. Meet Sister Margery Therese Harkin, a religious sister from the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate who isn’t afraid to knock on doors and bring the Good News to…
I recently finished reading and reviewing The Church Under Attack: Five Hundred Years That Split the Church and Scattered the Flock by Dr. Diane Moczar. Throughout the book Dr. Moczar details the numerous attacks the Church has withstood since the…
Have you ever been given the perfect opportunity to share your faith but could not think of the right words to say? Later, the right words come to us, but the moment passes, the opportunity gone. When you struggle to…
Readings for July 28, 2013: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time I’ve often heard people say that they don’t want to trouble God with their petty needs and concerns. After all, he has more important things to attend to, like running…
Over the last year and half I have been eagerly using Twitter to evangelize and spread the word of God. I tend to go on late evenings and at times tweet into the wee hours of the morning (for which…
Being a part of a Catholic parish isn’t a solo performance. A parish is made up of people, young and old, and requires everyone’s involvement to grow and thrive. For folks like me, getting involved is easy. For others, volunteering…
In chapter 9 of Forming Intentional Disciples, Sherry Weddell teaches the would-be evangelist about an essential skill: listening. Grab a drink, get comfortable, and take a few minutes to practice that skill right now, by reading this post, written by…