Readings for August 25, 2013: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Start small, finish big. That seems to be God’s motto. He begins salvation history with two people from what is now Iraq. When planning to raise a really big family,…
Pope John Paul II wrote: “The Christian is actually called by the Church to prayer, penitence and fasting, to interior and exterior shedding of oneself. He stands before God and recognizes what he is. He rediscovers himself.” In several short…
Remember the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist? They’re the sisters (they’re not nuns) who took the American Bible Challenge by storm earlier this year. And now they’re joining the ranks of singing sisters who will, I hope, take…
Why bother with Catholic fiction? As I write this, I’ve just returned from the Catholic Writers Guild’s annual live conference (our online conference is held in early spring), and once again I’ve met dozens of great Catholic authors eager to…
Let’s play the “What if…” game. What if you just lost your job while your co-worker received a promotion and a big raise? Would you be happy for him? What if a parent that was often critical of your children…
We’re packing up. Moving out. Sorting and sifting through possessions, packaging them in boxes. Making a pile of items to donate. Taking apart furniture. As I pack, I can’t help but think about how I want our next house to…
Have you ever stopped to consider evangelizing for a specific purpose? Of course we want people to know Jesus but what about people who already know Christ and are Catholic but are not living out their faith in life, specifically…
Readings for August 18, 2013: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time One of the themes of Pope Francis at World Youth Day 2013 was to “shake things up.” This is quite different from the advice I was given as a child:…
It happens all too soon. That newborn baby, who needed you for everything from taking care of feeding and clothing to kissing boo-boos, suddenly doesn’t need you 24/7. I remember our youngest son at preschool age. I tried to talk…
It is human nature to be drawn toward the call of the past. Through the filtered lenses of our time telescope, we often get a much-too-perfect perception of the past. The way things were often seem so simple and so…