On the Non-Necessity of Man

One of the deepest desires of the human heart is the desire to be needed.  We want to know that we are important.  Depression sets in when we feel like another replaceable cog in the great machine of life, be…

Is my pastor above correction?

What should I do when I think a pastor is wrong? I’m not talking about wrong with regards to civil law. That’s clearer. If I know any leader—a priest, a lay minister, a volunteer, etc.—is violating the civil law, it…

Brotherly Love

Our priest from India told the story about an ecstatic young man who drove his new car all around town. He was elated with the car and stopped frequently to share his joy with everyone he met. At one stop…

Evangelization takes time

My grandmother was an immigrant from the mountains of Italy, in a very small town, more likely a village, near Turin.  Her father left and went to New York to earn money so the rest of the family could join…

Why Humility Opens Doors

Readings for September 1, 2013: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Nice guys finish last,” says the world. “The last will be first,” replies Jesus. My guess is that the Lord of creation knows best who really wins in the end. …

Pray for Our Priests

Pray for Our Priests

I have openly admitted that the book Be A Man by Father Larry Richards changed my life. I am certain I am not the only one. A few weeks ago I was able to attend the Corpus Christi Men’s retreat…

Are our parish doors truly open?

Our parish website traffic spike to an all-time high a few weeks ago when we celebrated the Holy Day of Obligation in honor of the Assumption of Mary. As I was preparing our parish bulletin, I got the bright idea…

Mary, Guide of the New Evangelization

“Mary is the Star of the Sea. She never forsakes those who trust in her, so let us get under her protecting mantle. She will lead us out of the danger and guide us safely to port.” ~ St. John…

Perseverance: A Lesson from Monica and Augustine

One of the best loved traditions in the Church is the practice of venerating and admiring saints. This ancient tradition dates back to the first century when worshipers experienced and told of miracles that occurred at the graves of martyrs…

Catholic Labels

Traditional Catholics.  Modern Catholics.  Conservative Catholics.  Liberal Catholics.  Moderate Catholics.  Orthodox Catholics.  Charismatic Catholics.  Progressive Catholics.  We may think that these Catholic labels define us, but instead, they divide us. Now more than ever, we need to unite together in…