It’s that time of year that I like to write about something crucial, yet often overlooked: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Are we rolling out the red carpet for new Catholics? Through my website and Facebook page, I…
Readings for September 8, 2013: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time When I was a kid, I got the distinct impression there existed a two-track system in Catholicism. Some really decided to go for it. They became priests, nuns, and brothers…
Last summer, when I first began posting on New Evangelizers, I wrote about how and why I had been attempting to develop and attitude of prayer in my daily life. One that would not be confined to distinct “prayer times”,…
There is a Latin phrase, “In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas” often (mis) attributed to St. Augustine. In English it means “in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.” There are certain points of the…
In perhaps ironic fashion, the text woke me from a deep sleep at 2:01 am the morning of August 17th: We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are dying of hunger and the elderly are without medical assistance. — Pope Francis…
One of the deepest desires of the human heart is the desire to be needed. We want to know that we are important. Depression sets in when we feel like another replaceable cog in the great machine of life, be…
What should I do when I think a pastor is wrong? I’m not talking about wrong with regards to civil law. That’s clearer. If I know any leader—a priest, a lay minister, a volunteer, etc.—is violating the civil law, it…
Our priest from India told the story about an ecstatic young man who drove his new car all around town. He was elated with the car and stopped frequently to share his joy with everyone he met. At one stop…
My grandmother was an immigrant from the mountains of Italy, in a very small town, more likely a village, near Turin. Her father left and went to New York to earn money so the rest of the family could join…
Readings for September 1, 2013: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Nice guys finish last,” says the world. “The last will be first,” replies Jesus. My guess is that the Lord of creation knows best who really wins in the end. …