Think Like God

Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. (Job 37:14, KJV) Have you ever tried to count all the stars in the sky? You may even get to a couple thousand and someone interrupts…

Be Prepared to Share the Truth

I had an odd experience the other evening at a program in church.  The topic was Moral Decision Making and was led by the pastor. Things were moving along quite nicely and we were getting ready to tend the discussion…

A Lifestyle of Thanksgiving

Readings for October 13, 2013: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Leprosy is a dreadful thing anywhere, anytime.  But in the ancient Near East, it was a particularly heavy burden to bear since it meant complete social isolation.  You could, of…

Blessed Isidore de Loor: Patron for Those with Cancer

Porta Fidei, the papal encyclical which opened the Year of Faith, tells us in paragraph 15:   “The life of Christians knows the experience of joy as well as the experience of suffering. How many of the saints have lived in…

Scabby People and That Grim-Faced Nun

One night decades ago I was watching TV; that nun, Mother Teresa, was on the Tonight Show. I knew she’d won a Nobel prize, took care of scabby people all day, and looked grim as cancer. What could they possibly…

Evangelization by Sequins

I called her The-Lady-Who-Sits-in-the-Pew-in-Front-of-Us.  She was there every Sunday at the 10:15 a.m. Mass, about eight rows from the altar on the pulpit side of the church.  Whether I ever saw her face I can’t recall. What I do remember,…

We Are the 1%

We have a problem, you and I. We too often take for granted what we have. We have come into personal wealth that the world, as a whole, is impoverished of. Most of us have never even earned it. We’re…

Knowing When to Walk Away

When evangelizing, when is it time to walk away? It may seem contrary to the spirit of evangelization, but it is a valid question. When you “go out into the deep,” in the words of our Savior Himself, it can…

The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Once known as the Feast of Our Lady of Victory, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary honors a 16th century victory that prevented Europe from being overrun by a Turkish invasion. In today’s world, many of us in…

Mustard Seed Faith

Readings for October 6, 2013: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time We all admire the heroes of faith like St. Francis (feast day, October 4).  Absolutely nothing stopped him in his pursuit of God’s glory.  When, during the Crusades, he was…