I would like to use my article this week to prompt some reflection and prayer. A while back I urged readers to pray for priests. I come to you again with that request. On October 3, 2013, the Diocese of…
As a retired person I have the opportunity to listen to a lot of talk radio. I have abandoned the public display of human misery that appears with regularity on daytime TV; it gives me a headache! There is one…
Are you newevangelisticexpialidocious? Unsure? Don’t worry. It’s a word I made up based on the term “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from Disney’s Mary Poppins. What’s the point of all of this? I wanted to discuss terms and definitions in the Catholic faith. While…
Readings for October 20, 2013: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time I’ve often heard people say that they don’t want to trouble God with their petty needs and concerns. After all, he has more important things to attend to, like running…
Editor’s Note: Today we welcome Marianna Bartholomew for a special guest post. Marianna is a wife and mom from the Chicago area who also homeschools, teaches, and writes. She’s award-winning journalist and contributor to the Catholic Vitamins podcast. She blogs at…
I skimmed the October 6, 2013 readings before Mass as is my usual pre-Mass custom. In my infinite idiocy, I thought, Man, God is really playing with these people today. It seemed as first glance God was dangling the bait…
I hate traffic! The other night as I was wedged in like a sardine on Interstate 94, I noticed the license plate in front of me was my brother-in-law’s initials, CPW. So, I thought, “I should say a little prayer…
Almost everyone knows of the fabled emperor that paraded the streets in his undergarments, believing he was adorned in the finest of cloth that only the foolish could not see. Lest he admit being a fool, he feigned witnessing the…
Am I a good person? This is a deep question of self reflection that is at the heart of the moral life. It is also one of the most difficult to answer because the answer is covered in limited perspective…
Last month I wrote about a chance encounter with a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses and my sudden appreciation for the usefulness of the Nicene Creed and other memorized prayers. Christian LeBlanc asked this question, “Curious if they accepted any data…