Readings for October 27, 2013: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Each year, at one of our country’s leading Catholic universities, a professor does a survey with his incoming class of students. He puts to them this question: “If you were…
I am currently conducting a study of the Book of Genesis via the Douay – Rheims Holy Bible with commentary notes by Rev George Leo Haydock. I enjoy reading this particular version of the Catholic Bible since it includes commentary…
As a young girl I marveled over the host at Mass. I knew something very special was happening, but I didn’t know what. I wondered, “How does Father make that one host turn into so many?” I didn’t comprehend that…
I recently had a chance to attend Sunday Mass at St. Mary’s in Greenville, SC. The parish is often mentioned in the context of the New Evangelization, and I thought I’d take a look and see what the noise was…
We all hunger in our hearts for some form of fulfillment. Not all hearts are able to identify the Source of that hunger, but every heart longs for something. We are all hungry. Each one of us yearns to be…
I would like to use my article this week to prompt some reflection and prayer. A while back I urged readers to pray for priests. I come to you again with that request. On October 3, 2013, the Diocese of…
As a retired person I have the opportunity to listen to a lot of talk radio. I have abandoned the public display of human misery that appears with regularity on daytime TV; it gives me a headache! There is one…
Are you newevangelisticexpialidocious? Unsure? Don’t worry. It’s a word I made up based on the term “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from Disney’s Mary Poppins. What’s the point of all of this? I wanted to discuss terms and definitions in the Catholic faith. While…
Readings for October 20, 2013: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time I’ve often heard people say that they don’t want to trouble God with their petty needs and concerns. After all, he has more important things to attend to, like running…
Editor’s Note: Today we welcome Marianna Bartholomew for a special guest post. Marianna is a wife and mom from the Chicago area who also homeschools, teaches, and writes. She’s award-winning journalist and contributor to the Catholic Vitamins podcast. She blogs at…