Advent: The Real Meaning of Christmas Lights

Readings for December 1, 2013: First Sunday of Advent As fall moves onward towards winter we have places to go, things to do, people to meet.  Yet as we go about our business, we notice the days are getting shorter. …

The Power of Pilgrimage

Salvation history is the story of a journey.  Abram goes from civilization to the desert,  Moses from the Pharaoh’s palace to a mountaintop.  The people of Israel repeat Moses’ journey, and then are led through the desert to the promised…

Why isn’t the “average” Catholic interested in evangelization?

Recently, I received some rather startling news. I was told by a major Catholic book publisher that the “average” Catholic isn’t interested in evangelization. I certainly hope that the Holy Father and Fr. Robert Barron don’t find out about this….

Is the Mass Just Like Everywhere Else?

As a girl, one of my quirks was a fondness for wearing hats.  Another quirk: I liked to read old etiquette books.  I was not so much interested in having good manners as in reading about them, and especially about…

Public Revelation vs. Private Revelation

After my conversion experience at 17-years-old, I was on fire.  I wanted to be Super Catholic and share that passion with everyone, much to the annoyance of many.  I have learned to temper much of my enthusiasm, I hope, with…

Running the Race

One of the most consistent characteristics of our towns and cities is their identification with and loyalty to sport.  Sometimes the sport is different but the passion seems to be the same.  Fans can almost become rabid for their basketball,…

Advent as Evangelization

Many of us may look with disdain at the over commercialization of Christmas, at the way in which the true meaning of the season has been pushed aside or almost forgotten.  As I drive to and from work each day…

Feast of Christ the King

Readings for November 24, 2013: Feast of Christ the King From the dawn of civilization, kings have arisen who have dreamed of possessing a world-wide dominion, a universal kingdom that would last forever.  Some have come close to conquering much…

Lyrics of Life

It seems to me that many of us are listening to the music but no one is paying attention to the lyrics. Recently, I was driving on one of my road trips and a great tune came on the radio….

Losing the Mission

The word “mass” comes from the same route as “mission”. At each Mass, we are sent forthwith a mission. What is that mission? What is our primary mission as Catholics? The words I remember concluding most Masses in my life were “go forth,…