The Last Best New Year’s Resolution

I suggest making one last resolution for the New Year: stop making them.  Within the first month, most people have broken their resolutions anyways.  Ask any health club manager about the January spike that levels out by February. You don’t…

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the Bible… At least if you’re reading without considering the speaker or the context, that is. Perhaps you’ve been troubled by a passage you read, or, while spreading the good news, been confronted…

Waiting for the Next Big Thing

Today is the First Monday in Ordinary Time. A beginning, but not one that we really celebrate. Compared to the intensity of Advent—the color changes, the music, the familiar sermons about taking time for Advent—or the outright and overflowing joy…

The Baptism of the Lord

Readings for January 12, 2014: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord At first glance, the scene makes little sense.  John’s strident call to repentance provokes an overwhelming response.  People of all shapes and sizes flock to him in the…

Making a True Difference: Greater Good Technology

I love all of the terrific Catholic micro-funding campaigns going on — when we pool our small contributions together, the projects we help to fund have the potential to make lasting change in our world. Such is the case for Greater…

Drawn Together by the Bible

“Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence…” I had a great time at the new used bookstore this…

Catholic Pop Culture of 2013

There are many vulgar and immoral things in today’s popular culture.  As a good friend of mine said, “Television today is a moral cesspool.”  I therefore understand the impulse and reaction of many who choose not to spend their free…

Pressed into Service

”Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles,” (Matthew 5:41). Your son comes home from his first day of Early Childhood all excited, “Guess what, Mommy, we get to go on all the…


A new year brings with it a chance to reflect on what went well in the past and what can be better in the future.  If our goal is to evangelize our culture, how can we do it better than…

A Reflection on Epiphany

Readings for January 5, 2014: Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord Up until now, all has been quite humble.  A donkey ride to a dusty town south of Jerusalem.  Hotel rooms all booked up.  Giving birth in a stable…