Seeking Truth and Sacraments

I am continuing my discussion of Evangelical Catholicism by George Weigel. Previous post is here. The second characteristic Weigel lists is, “Evangelical Catholicism affirms divine revelation and embraces its authority, which continues through history in the teaching authority of the…

The Victory of Humility

Readings for April 13, 2014: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion When a conquering hero of the ancient world rode into town in triumph, it was in a regal chariot or on the back of a stately stallion.  Legions of…

One Ark, One Captain

Darren Aronofsky’s  Noah movie seems to be doing well in theaters, and with some Catholic critics, even if it didn’t get the papal thumbs-up they’d hoped for. To my knowledge, churchmen aren’t in the habit of making sponsorship deals–though I…

Babies and Metaphysics

I (56) was at lunch with my father (80) earlier this week, we were discussing a favorite subject: God.  Somehow we got around to contraception, and that in neither of our marriages was there any contraception, natural or artificial. We…

Hitting a Wall on My Own

Did you catch the reading from Paul’s Letter to the Romans at Mass yesterday? It was easy to miss, with the absolutely life-changing declaration from Jesus in the Gospel, “I am the resurrection and the life;  whoever believes in me,…

Psalms: The Prayer that Fits Any Situation

Well, here we are at the halfway point of Lent.  We have all been working hard on our acts of penance and of charity.  Hopefully we have been able to attend some of our parish prayers, such as Stations of…

Bible vs. Science

Probably the most frequently used objection to trusting the Bible is that it is contradicted by what we know from ScienceTM yet millions of Christians, and millions of scientists find no contradictions. How can this be? When asked exactly what…

My NBA D-League Elevator Pitch

Now who is going to harm you if you are enthusiastic for what is good? But even if you should suffer because of righteousness, blessed are you. Do not be afraid or terrified with fear of them, but sanctify Christ as Lord…

On the Necessity of Self-Love

I remember growing up in the 1980’s.  One of the big musical hits was Whitney Houston’s, “The Greatest Love of All.”  It had wonderful lyrics about believing that children are our future, overcome adversity, etc.  But it wasn’t until I…

Are You a Clone?

I grew up in the shadow of my sister who was 18 months older than me. I followed her around, copying her every preference and obeying her every request. She convinced me that her likes and dislikes, friends and fashions…