Every saint has a different story. One never hears a saint’s story and says, “this person was exactly like saint so-and-so”. (Saint So-and-So – the patron of people that forget names.) They’re all different, including in the time it took…
Last night I attended the first of two lectures at my parish on the topic of worldview. One thread ran like this: The ultimate reality is God, who is all good. Therefore the worldview most attuned to reality is most…
What God wants is for us to say “yes” to him and “no” to everything else. Of the millions of good things available to us, he wants us to have the best. That’s because he loves us so much. He…
“So be imitators of God, as beloved children…” Ephesians 5:1 A little over a year ago, my husband and I were sitting around trying to decide on a Scripture verse to have printed on the back of the icon cards…
Readings for May 4, 2014: Third Sunday of Easter What a disappointment! They thought they’d found the Messiah. But he’d been trapped like an animal and executed as a criminal. Up until his very last breath, they had hoped he’d…
Spring is here! Okay, technically it’s been here for a while, if you believe the calendar. And the seed catalogues, my favorite wish books. But the best part of this time of the year is that it is also springtime…
If you speak to your non-Catholic friends, and sadly sometimes your Catholic friends, at some point the topic will turn to abortion. Catholics are unabashedly pro-life. Some people see this as an extreme position, especially since we do not make…
Anyone who has tried to pass on the Gospel, be it in the classroom, in the home, or every day life, has encountered the hypocrisy problem. We are calling people to goodness and holiness. Yet most of us are keenly…
Continuing the discussion on Evangelical Catholicism by George Weigel… Metanoia conversion is the point of the fourth characteristic of Evangelical Catholicism. We are not called to a one-time awakening, but rather a “constant conversion of life, which involves both the…
Readings for April 27, 2014: Second Sunday of Easter; Sunday of Divine Mercy The Gospels tell an incredible story. A virginal conception. Miraculous healings. Even people coming back from the dead. How are we to know that it’s not all…