Your Family Feast Days

The Catholic Church has taught that salvation is an ongoing process.  St. Paul, for example, uses past, present, and future tense at different points (c.f. Rom 8:24, 2 Cor 2:15, Rom 5:9). We have been saved, in the past, by…

Food Miracles that Support Church Teaching

Here’s a 7-minute podcast I produced showing how Bible food miracles support Church teaching that Jesus spoke literally at the Last Supper. Copyright 2014, Christian LeBlanc

Infectious Sin

We had an Ebola scare in my region of the country.  Before all of the facts were out, there was a lot of confusion and nervous laughter as people joked about the disease all the while masking their fear. I…

The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living

In a time when so many people are so busy and overwhelmed by the tasks of their daily lives; at a time when there is an abundance of articles written on how to say no Lisa M.  Hendey writes a…

Who Needs Church Buildings?

Readings for November 9, 2014: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome As a rebellious teenager, I thought that Catholics should stop wasting their money on expensive churches.  We ought to sell them all and buy food…

What Does “Pro Life” Mean?

In a recent discussion someone who is pro-abortion said that anybody could see that first trimester abortions were definitely fine, but third trimester abortions were definitely not. It’s only second trimester abortions which are a “gray area.” Upon further discussion…

“Media Ninja” Leads Parish into Effective New Evangelization

This interview speaks for itself, but I want to thank Tom Lelyo, self appointed “media ninja” at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Sarasota, FL for generously sharing his time and energy to serve not only his parish, but our Church. By…

10 Ways to Boost Your Spiritual Immunity

Your body’s immune system needs protection from all that attacks and sickens your body. But what about your resistance to spiritual attacks? How do you combat the constant assaults on your spirituality that leave you emotionally drained, confused and self-centered?…

Is It OK to Call Jesus “My Personal Lord and Savior?”

Evangelization sends all of us out into the world to meet, engage, care for, and share our faith in Jesus Christ with all. And that can mean questions. Some that come with a lot of baggage and background. On a few occasions…

Reflecting on All Souls Day

Readings for November 2, 2014: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) I’ll never forget that bleak January day when my father died.  It was very hard to believe in the resurrection as I watched the undertakers carry…